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Sep 7th 2020
1/5. At the very moment people need journalism the most, and media are declared an essential service, media owners throw out 1,200 journalists and media workers. And subject thousands more to savage salary cuts

#journalism #PaidMedia #media #MediaMonopoly #Sacked
2/5. True, some smaller outfits, crippled by an advertising collapse, did try to retain their workers. But it’s the giants, highly profitable companies rich in cash reserves, who have unleashed the worst of the job-slaughter

#journalism #PaidMedia #media #MediaMonopoly #Sacked
3/5. Corporate media report job losses in the IT sector, in Uber, in Swiggy… But are silent on the slaughter within – not a word about how they’ve laid off 100s of journalists some of whom have served them 15-20 years

#journalism #PaidMedia #media #MediaMonopoly #Sacked
Read 5 tweets
Jan 21st 2020
SUMMARY: Global Public Broadcasting (#GPB)

An idea percolating since @Foxnews & @CNN got Trump elected. @GeorgeSoros (or equivalent) provides a few billion in seed funding for a new nonprofit global news network to shore up journalistic traditions and help fend … 1/4
@FoxNews @CNN @georgesoros off the daily assault on reason, media and governments by the Murdochs and other bad actors. I introduced it here:

Then I suggested this could be a crowd-based project and that frustrated scientists like @MichealEMann might become early … 2/4
@FoxNews @CNN @georgesoros @MichealEMann endorsers and advocates:

Going further, I said other industry notables might help form a new kind of union of concerned scientists; one aimed at taking on the media hegemonists polluting the role and messaging of science and scientists in … 3/4
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