An idea percolating since @Foxnews & @CNN got Trump elected. @GeorgeSoros (or equivalent) provides a few billion in seed funding for a new nonprofit global news network to shore up journalistic traditions and help fend … 1/4

Then I suggested this could be a crowd-based project and that frustrated scientists like @MichealEMann might become early … 2/4
Going further, I said other industry notables might help form a new kind of union of concerned scientists; one aimed at taking on the media hegemonists polluting the role and messaging of science and scientists in … 3/4
This might mature into a very real project. I’ll add more to this summary thread as it evolves (or not). If interested, save the URL and follow tag #GPB. Feel free to jump into the replies (or DM me). 4/4
This is mostly how the broadcast news industry works today, anyway. I am … 2/8
For example, rather than a 20 second … 3/8
Think @Propublica, on a much larger scale, but more video than … 5/8
@PBS and @NPR are 20th century … 6/8
#GPB needs a high-net worth individual to provide seed money for a professionally crafted proposal that very wealthy liberals might eagerly step into. Help me find one. 8/8

When have you ever heard of any … 1/2
But “big ideas” are not unworkable ideas. Just ambitious ideas that take work.
If you … 1/2