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Oct 16th 2022
118.01/ Week one-hundred and eighteen, October 15-21, 2022, thread begins here.

Week 117 below.
118.02/ Lotsa upsets in the #MLBPostseason & sore losers calling to change the new playoff format. Look, this is the key to win a championship in US sports: be good enough to get into the playoffs & then be as healthy as possible and "hot" when in them. That's the secret.
118.03/ Had old friends visit last night, both PhDs, and it was lovely but posed one the downsides of academic households: when I checked on the younger kids - 13, 13, 11 & 9 - they, no joke, asked me to moderate their discussion of the trolley problem.…
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Oct 10th 2019
A couple of months ago, I tweeted that the @Dodgers would never win the World Series as long as Dave Roberts is the manager. Tonight's game vs. the @Nationals is exactly why. Roberts made the mistake a manager CAN NOT make. He got beat with less than his best. #NLDS #MLBPlayoffs
I can understand why Roberts went with Kershaw to get to Jansen (Kershaw didn't have it, either), but why on Earth does he let Joe Kelly pitch the 10th, especially when he gets himself in trouble, and leaves Jansen in the bullpen until it's too late. #NLDS #MLBPlayoffs
If what happened against Kelly happened against Jansen, that's something Roberts & the @Dodgers can live with, because they would've gotten beat w/their best out there, but under no circumstances can you get beat with less than your best w/your best available. #NLDS #MLBPlayoffs
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Oct 3rd 2019
With the #MLBPlayoffs now upon us, let's consider the fact that the top teams, the @Dodgers and either the @astros and/or the @Yankees are more likely to lose in the LDS than they are in the LCS. Of course, if the @astros and @Yankees meet in the ALCS, one MUST lose to the other.
That is because it's more likely for the better team to lose a best-of-5 series than it is for the better team to lose a best-of-7. That means, for instance, the @Dodgers are more likely to lose to the @Nationals than they are to either the @Braves or @Cardinals. #MLBPlayoffs
That stated, should they meet in the NLCS, the @Cardinals historically have had some kind of voodoo over the @Dodgers that goes as far back as the 1940s, especially when it really counts. #MLBPlayoffs
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