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May 14th 2023
When I was in prison my foster mom who was 75 years old at the time and in a wheelchair took an 11 hour car drive just to visit me. When she got there the COs harassed her and said her wheelchair wasn’t approved by the prison. So she stood up and limped into the visiting room. 🧵
Luckily another CO saw this and was disgusted by their own colleague and told my foster mom to go ahead and use the wheelchair. This process took multiple hours so by the time my foster mom got to me we had about 45 minutes left in the visit. We cried that whole visit.
This #MothersDay2023 I want to honor all of the foster moms out there that move mountains to love on kids less fortunate. My foster moms were the greatest moms I could’ve asked for.
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May 14th 2023
On #MothersDay, let's look at 2 unique mothers, Devaki and Yashoda.
Each had a share of the joy of being mother to Krishna.
One gave birth to Him, the other brought Him up.

2 Azhvars bring out the contrast between these 2 mothers.

Let's look at them on #MothersDay2023 ImageImage
Periyaazhvar in his Tirumozhi sings about the joy of being Yashoda.

In his songs, Yashoda calls everyone to come and see the beauty of Krishna, from lotus feet to curly hair. (Padaadi Kesa) Image
Yashoda invites everyone to admire the 10 toes that rival precious gems, the ankle wearing silver, the knees on which Krishna crawls and the thighs on which He slayed Hiranyakasipu.

As Yashoda's son, Krishna is the Yadava Simha. But He is also Narasimha. Image
Read 23 tweets
May 14th 2023
On #MothersDay the story of Dhai Panna of Mewar must be remembered. Her sacrifice, loyalty and patriotism was unparallelled. She was the maid of Rani Karnavati and caretaker of Udai Singh, son of Rana Sanga. (1/6)
@Themis_100 @satyanveshan
#motherhood ImageImage
Udai Singh was born in 1522. He had 3 elder brothers. One of them Vikramaditya by 1536 was sent to palace arrest by the nobles due to his arrogance, incompetence and vile temper
The nobles invited Banvir the illicit son of Prithviraj (Rana Sanga's uncle) as regent of Udai. (2/6)
Taking advantage of Vikramaditya's Banvir killed and then he wanted to kill Udai Singh and become king of Mewar
Panna Dhai was a widow and she had a son called Chandan near the same age of Udai Singh
She got to know of Balvir coming with a sword in hand to kill Udai Singh. (3/6) Image
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Mar 19th 2023
I think we need a place for this, Mother’s Day is also a time to remember those mother figures no longer with us, this is “mother honey” my grandma. She was the most formidable of women and I think I’m like her,…1/ ImageImageImage
She was loved by everyone, loving, kind and a tongue as sharp as a razor blade. Funny, crazy my rock, I can’t put into words how much I loved her, how much I miss her but I carry her with me every day. 2/
A short time before she passed she gave me a brown paper bag, inside 3 pairs of pure silk stockings from the war “ look after these my princess, spent a lot of time on my knees during the war for those” 🤣 this was so her ❤️❤️❤️3/
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