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Sep 23rd 2020
Our team is excited to introduce Mempool Explorer, a net-new way to build real-time streams of in-flight transaction data. Builders & traders can now easily work with live mempool data.

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Thread ⬇️ Mempool Explorer from Block...
What can you do with #MPEX?

💸 Detect when >$10k of liquidity BEGINS to move in or out of a protocol
💬 Send slack messages for every inbound or outbound pending TX associated with your hot wallet
🪄 Know when an Oracle is in the process of updating

& much more.
Mempool data enables you to see #Ethereum events BEFORE they happen.🧙

However, because mempool data is pre-consensus, there is no single source of mempool-truth. This makes working with mempool data resource-intensive & error-prone for most builders and traders.
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