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Sep 17th 2022
Deplorable that #NamoAt72 endures hashtags like #NationalUnemploymentDay & #राष्ट्रीय_बेरोजगार_दिवस.

Record job loss, inflation & cronyism are no excuses not to say #HappyBdayModiji.

Since I'm jobless, here's a thread of videos to entertain Narendrabhai & other jobless folk...
Modi the Mathematician figured out where the 2ab in (a+b)² comes from. You see, no one had taught him that (a+b) * (a+b) inherently produces it.

So he spent his entire sojourn in some Himalayan cave to come up with this explanation...
#ClimateEmergency activists have long despaired of human society acting with any urgency on the issue. Modi the Modifier brilliantly figured out that the way to tackle a global problem is to completely redefine it. The climate hasn't changed, it is humans who are getting older...
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