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Aug 30th 2022
A new objective of the TPLF, in the midst of its fighting appears to be renewing the efforts to remove @Oolusegun_obj as the peace talks mediator. This talking point was used by Rashid Abdi yesterday in his @bbc #Newsday IV.
In the IV @RAbdiAnalyst said Obasanjo needed to be replaced as he clearly did not have the confidence of the TPLF. Essentially this is an excuse for not attending talks.

A brace of stories have come out on this from the usual suspects now.…
@AddisStandard above, the Elephant below. The Elephant has a history of working with SAHAN.…
Read 11 tweets
Jul 13th 2018
1/24 I undertook to do a thread on my take on Itai Dzamara's abduction & disappearance in response to a question I was recently asked by @Mapfupa. I respectfully engaged @PatsonDzamara on this & got his understanding that Itai's abduction is a serious, unresolved national matter!
2/24 The abduction & disappearance of Itai Dzamara on 9 March 2015, and the 15 November 2017 military coup, are thus far the worst blights on the 2013 Constitution that are reminiscent of the hideous evils of the First Republic under the Lancaster Constitution from 1980 to 2013!
3/24 Let me state upfront that I have no first hand information on what happened to Itai Dzamara. But I have what I believe is useful information that I'll share here, based on what I came to know & found reliable in the course of my duty as a government minister then!
Read 25 tweets

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