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Aug 2nd 2019
Your Summer Twitter box set of Reuters Institute research is here! 🧵👇👇

Binge on all the drama, dramatic twists, and unforeseen endings from the 2018-19 season😮

✨Featuring stars from the world of media research, backed up by an impressive supporting cast.✨

If you like:❤️
💬Despite algorithm changes and limited direct monetisation, legacy news outlets across Europe still value social media, particularly FB, in order to pursue their editorial and commercial objectives.…
⚖️Levels of news consumption (especially online) in the UK are more unequal by social grade than levels of income according to our Social Inequalities in News study by @antoniskalog / @rasmus_kleis

1-in-4 consume no online news.…
Read 21 tweets
Apr 6th 2019
🚨 3 countries 🇮🇳🇵🇭🇿🇦, 3 outlets, 45 interviews – all in an effort to understand how news orgs innovate under pressure and combat disinformation.

As @julieposetti is launching our @risj_oxford #newsinnovate report at #ijf19, some takeaways from Julie’s, @lahnabee’s and my work. Image
First of all: We studied @TheQuint in India, @rapplerdotcom in the Philippines, and @dailymaverick in South Africa – digital-born outlets in challenging media, political, and press freedom environments in the Global South. Image
The main challenges for them: desolate state of press freedom, problems of disinformation, & attacks on them, with social media leveraged by some political actors, orchestrated ‘troll networks’, and members of the public to direct abuse and threats at the organisations & staff. ImageImageImage
Read 13 tweets

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