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Apr 6th 2019
"Publishers and platforms: strategies for 2019" - panel at #ijf19 w/ @janinegibson @blathnaidhealy @rkapkap @mariaramirezNY to talk about what they are doing to work platforms to their own advantage, what we've learned from past, & where we go next. Bit of context in thread below
Different publishers have different needs, and different platforms offer different threats+opportunties-below % of respondents in @nicnewman Journalism Trends and Predictions 2019 who said each platform would be "very"/"extremely" important going forward…
Also clear publishers and platforms often tightly intertwined, not just through flow of traffic, but also technically - below % major EU news sites across 7 countries who had third-party content from different platforms as of July (work led by @tim_libert)…
Read 5 tweets
Apr 6th 2019
🚨 3 countries 🇮🇳🇵🇭🇿🇦, 3 outlets, 45 interviews – all in an effort to understand how news orgs innovate under pressure and combat disinformation.

As @julieposetti is launching our @risj_oxford #newsinnovate report at #ijf19, some takeaways from Julie’s, @lahnabee’s and my work. Image
First of all: We studied @TheQuint in India, @rapplerdotcom in the Philippines, and @dailymaverick in South Africa – digital-born outlets in challenging media, political, and press freedom environments in the Global South. Image
The main challenges for them: desolate state of press freedom, problems of disinformation, & attacks on them, with social media leveraged by some political actors, orchestrated ‘troll networks’, and members of the public to direct abuse and threats at the organisations & staff. ImageImageImage
Read 13 tweets
Apr 5th 2019
If you have wondered what Google's journalism funding ultimately is about, here is Olivia Ma from their News Lab being frank. #Ijf19 Image
Great fun with Google describing how publisher'a business Model 'evolves', ie they took and locked in the markets for online advertising and now offering back a few morsels.
This is the deal Google offers. "Google's revenue share is really just the cost of business", says Olivia Ma. So they'll be the world's meta-publisher for a mere 15% of all mobile news revenue routed through their servers while hoovering up like half of global ad revenue. Image
Read 5 tweets
Apr 5th 2019
What’s next for the business of news? 

Journalists need to be part of developing future funding models to be independent and able to report (and “you’ll miss us when we are gone” is not a business model).

Background on my #IJF19 panel w/ @kapur_ritu @RosanSmits @tomstandage 1/8
Historically, the business of news was based on bundled products, low consumer choice and high publisher market power over advertisers.

But this model has been in long-term structural decline for decades, a decline accelerated by move to digital and dominance of platforms. 2/8
Today, we have unbundling, high consumer choice, and low publisher market power over advertisers-resulting in lower revenues, slimmer margins, and job cuts.

Basic challenge is similar for digital-born and legacy publishers: how to create+capture value in competitive market? 3/8
Read 8 tweets
Apr 5th 2019
"Why podcasts and what for?" asks @rkapkap from @ft at this audio panel with @nicnewman @MukulDevichand and @OlleZ.

"Over half of podcast consumption comes from under 35s. The reasons are authenticity and convenience," says @nicnewman #Ijf19
"Podcasts are not radio in the same way as online video is not TV. Audio is a much more personal, more informal livelier experience than reading. What's most exciting is the type of audience you can reach: basically younger people," says @MukulDevichand from @bbc
"What audio is going to be in a smart speaker is not clear yet. At @BBCNews we are testing different kinds of interactions. For example, a product for children and another one on the Indian elections," says @MukulDevichand #Ijf19
Read 11 tweets
Apr 1st 2019
Glad to be in Rome for the Italian launch of mine & @gatnash's book. This city brings back a flood of memories. I'm exhausted but upbeat - great energy in the air.
TIL that the Italian word for "floor" or "deck" is piano. I'm on the second piano at this hotel.
Thanks for the hospitality, Rome! Off to Perugia for #ijf19
Read 3 tweets

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