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Jun 17th 2023
WHOA! It turns out that @djnicholl is a known political activist and is leading the @GoodLawProject action against @DrAseemMalhotra....

Who presided over a 50% COVID death rate.

TEN patients died at @SWBHnhs that should not have died.

#3tabletsā€¦ā€¦ Image
It's important to understand that political activism like this is now a cancer invading medicine.

We exposed it in #ECMOgate.
Doctors who have extremist beliefs in a doctrine such that they would rather the patient die than they reject the doctrine.
There is no excuse for 50% of your COVID patients dying.

@btysonmd's death rate was 0.1%, and Nicholl's was over 40%.

I suspect some of those patients were given #midazolam as we also exposed, because that was the time that #NG163 was in force.
Read 11 tweets
Feb 11th 2023
Harold Shipman is dancing on Alexander Fleming's grave.

All they needed was #3tablets antibiotics and standard post-viral pneumonia care.

Instead, UK GPs were told to euthanise them - care of @NICEComms death protocol

Why did you delete this document?

#NG163 was released in April 2020 telling GPs to administer these 3 euthanising drugs to the elderly, instead of admitting them to hospital OR giving $1 work of antibiotics


Guess what they did Image

There was never a "pandemic of COVID mortality"
There was a pandemic of Harold Shipman.


Read 12 tweets

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