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Jun 19th 2023
Citizen journalists such as @JohnBeaudoinSr must be allowed to speak out about injustice.

He recently spoke to Massachusetts Joint Committee on Emergency Preparedness and Management at the MA state house, as summarized in his substack.…

His article states:

“Exhibit F details massive amounts of fraud and other federal felonies committed by agents of the executive branch of The Commonwealth of Massachusetts.
Since…August 23, 2022, I have found numerous other vaccine deaths and fraudulently labeled covid deaths.”
The rest of this 🧵 will be deovted to analysis of corporate media accounts for tue death of one death specific person in Massachusetts:

Mr. Tony Tsantinis, 68, of Brimfield, MA died at Harrington Hospital on Dec. 10, 2021.

Read 22 tweets
Jun 17th 2023
WHOA! It turns out that @djnicholl is a known political activist and is leading the @GoodLawProject action against @DrAseemMalhotra....

Who presided over a 50% COVID death rate.

TEN patients died at @SWBHnhs that should not have died.

#3tablets…… Image
It's important to understand that political activism like this is now a cancer invading medicine.

We exposed it in #ECMOgate.
Doctors who have extremist beliefs in a doctrine such that they would rather the patient die than they reject the doctrine.
There is no excuse for 50% of your COVID patients dying.

@btysonmd's death rate was 0.1%, and Nicholl's was over 40%.

I suspect some of those patients were given #midazolam as we also exposed, because that was the time that #NG163 was in force.
Read 11 tweets
May 17th 2023
Here is the full protocol - with no authorship registered but major pharma conflicts on the "therapeutics advisory board"

No antibiotics at all on the protocol, for a community acquired pneumonia.

#3tablets would be enough to prevent the majority of deaths. Image
And if you're marked as "unvaccinated" you'll get the intensive protocol.

Straight to remdesivir.

No antibiotics.

Remdesivir to treat a bacterial pneumonia?
Oh yes, especially if you're "unvaccinated"?

Read 11 tweets
May 14th 2023
(1/15) Image
(2/15) Image
プラスミドdsDNA 混入疑惑
Read 17 tweets
Mar 15th 2023
Heroic Dave the ICU consultant who only has unvaccinated on his ICU is not telling you everything.

Such as the fact that @gloshospitals has a culture of suppressing voices and an appalling CQC rating.

I wonder who wanted to speak out?
And why?
Dave's ICU hasn't been rated for nearly 8 years.
I wonder if that is where the staff feared speaking out?

I wonder if #ECMOgate meant that unvaccinated people were treated differently and some staff didn't like it, but were told to shut up?
It does seem like the ICU doctors are obsessed with a vaccine that *has no mechanism to prevent pneumonia* and if you don't take their vaccine they will preside over a worse outcome for you, including giving you 200mg of alfentanil in 24hr AND other drugs
Read 6 tweets
Mar 5th 2023
The #gerigate and #ECMOgate scandals just keep on coming.

In 2020 there were 32,000 less cancers diagnosed in the UK than there should have been.

Instead of being investigated for suspected cancer, they were given #midazolam

Remember to clap. Every Thursday. Overall numbers of cancer diagnoses (excluding non-melanoma
Note there were 72,000 "COVID" deaths in 2020 - about 0.1% of the population.

The drop in cancers was about 10%

Therefore the COVID deaths could not account for the drop in cancers, assuming they were independent.
Data source is embedded in the graphic but in case you missed it…
Read 6 tweets
Mar 3rd 2023

Following the #ECMOgate scandal revealed earlier today, should the @CQCProf start an investigation into NHS intensive care units and social media accounts of intensivists to see if their bias against "antivaxxers" was linked to higher death rates?
Please archive any tweets from UK intensivists containing the "antivaxxer" slur ASAP

antivaxxer from:twitter_name

Paste the tweet link into then paste the link here or on telegram on the channel
Read 4 tweets
Mar 3rd 2023
Extracorporeal cheese 🧀🧀🧀

Did anaesthetists (intensivists) who openly declared their hatred for "antivaxxers" on social media send them on a pathway to death?

This could be bigger than the #midazolam scandal.

That was the damning table. But for background let's just wind back a bit.

@caz_sampson is a self declared ICU anaesthetist. In the UK, anaesthetists run the ICUs. In the US they tend to be called intensivists.

Notice Caz's horns on her profile picture - we'll come back to it
Caz is a associate of the #muttoncrew who follow @swaledalemutton and their affiliates whose job is to "counter disinformation".

One of their techniques is to label people they don't like "antivaxxers" without defining that term.

Caz hates antivaxxers.
Read 24 tweets
Mar 3rd 2023
This really concerns me.

According to the ICNAR data Caz supplied, there were no differences in the mean FiO2 between vaccinated and unvaccinated in the ICU.

So why were 15-20 times more unvaccinated people being put on ECMO?
Read 3 tweets

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