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Apr 25th 2023
#MahaPeriyava #Sankara_Charithram
Greatness of the Upanayana done in childhood

Acharya’s upanayanam was performed at the age of five itself. When we look at the story of Sambandhar, it is learnt from Periya Puranam that he started singing devotional verses at the age of three, Image
thereafter undertook pilgrimage to a few kshetrams, when he returned, his Upanayanam was performed. Since it is mentioned “upanayana paruvam eitha” (உபநயன பருவம் எய்த), it hints that the sacred thread ceremony was conducted at the minimum age by which it was appropriate to be
performed. For ‘Nitya Upanayanam it is eight years of age. For ‘Kaamya Upanayanam’ it is only five years of age. There are two types of karmanushtanams. #Nityam and #Kaamyam. For #NityaKarma the fruit (benefit) is only the invigoration of the Atma [Atma shakti] internally. No
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