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Jan 24th 2022
There is a direct correlation between those that didn’t like #TheLastJedi and those that don’t like #bookofbobafett (not in all cases, to be sure). What is it that these two installments have in common? Development of a beloved character who has experienced trauma. 1/
The expectations of fans who wanted to see Luke as peak Jedi neglected to take note of the fact that he was in the latter stages of his life. His experience has changed him and altered what his younger self had thought and done. He evolved beyond action figure fantasies. 2/
Boba Fett has seen some shit in his day. Was brutal in his quest for revenge and self preservation. But he was given a second chance at life and evaluated his direction and decision. He’s older and wiser but still a badass at heart. It’s just his motivation has changed. 3/
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