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Mar 2nd 2018
(1) Mr. Magoo huh? At first glance Trump seems unhappy with AG Sessions, and maybe that's so.

Has anybody ever seen Mr. Magoo? How do all of the "episodes" turn out? Is Trump really making fun of Sessions?

No! and I'll tell you why. Image
(2) First, let's look at Quincy Magoo! His portrait shows an experienced man, among other things. Here's a shot of the Wikipedia page on Quincy. Image
(3) "Quincy Magoo (or simply Mr. Magoo) is a
cartoon character created at the UPA
animation studio in 1949."

Sessions, was born in the late forties too. I imagine, if Quincy was real, they would be around the same age, and maybe even friends too. ImageImageImageImage
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