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💥#McMaster #CardiologyGrandRounds by @johneikelboom
🩸 People with #AF are inadequately anticoagulated, largely related to MD hesitancy
🩸#Bleeding risk prediction tools have modest performance
🩸Bleeding risk iproportional to stroke risk, net benefit favours #antocoagulation
🩸Few reasons to withhold #OAC, even in frail, older adults
🩸Across spectrum of #bleeding risk in AF, #stroke risk is higher
🩸#DOACs preferred over warfarin in #nonvalvular #AF
🩸Most #DOACs safe in #CKD, some require dose adjustment
🩸Dabigatran contraindicated in eGFR<30
🩸Limited RCT evidence in #Hemodialysis

#AtrialFibrillation #Anticoagulation
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🔴Iniciem la “Jornada municipal per a un nou model
de polítiques locals de garantia d'ingressos” des del Paranimf del recinte de l’#EscolaIndustrial de Barcelona

✅Consulta el programa:…

Segueix-la en aquest fil i amb l’etiqueta #GarantiaIngressos ⬇️⬇️
@LluisaMoretSabi @nuriamarinlh @llorenst @diba Presentem un projecte transformador per reforçar, en clau local, l’accés de les #persones als #ingressos bàsics als quals tenen dret #ProjectesTransformadorsDiba #GarantiaIngressos…
La presidenta @nuriamarinlh i la diputada @LluisaMoretSabi inauguren la "Jornada municipal per a un nou model local de Garantia d'ingressos", on participen gairebé 150 electes i personal tècnic d’ens locals i professionals del sector social. #GarantiaIngressos
Read 21 tweets
1/24 This month’s #EHJCaseReports #tweetorial focuses on percutaneous left atrial appendage occlusion.

Is #LAAO the exact solution for preventing stroke & embolism in #AF pts who can’t tolerate #OAC?
Or, a new problem while seeking a solution?…
🎯 The rationale of #LAAO
🔸 In non-valvular #AF patients, 90% of thrombus is located in the #LAA
🔸 These thrombi embolise to the 🧠 & cause #stroke
🎯 Don't miss the ‘#EHRA_ESC #EAPCI expert consensus document on catheter-based #LAAO –an update’…
#LAA closure devices should be safe, efficent and easy to deploy.

📌 Currently available catheter-based devices for #LAAO have different principles.

A- Plug ➡️ Watchman
B- Pacifier ➡️ Amplatzer Amulet
C- Ligation ➡️ Lariat…
Read 25 tweets
‘Overall, #antiplatelet monotherapy is ineffective for #stroke prevention [for #AtrialFibrillation] & potentially harmful (especially #elderly), whereas #DAPT associated with bleeding risk similar to OAC. Hence, antiplatelets should not be used for #stroke prevention in #AF
2020 ESC Guidelines for the diagnosis and management of #AtrialFibrillation #ESCCongress :…
‘Between 2009 & 2018, in #England, the use of #OAC for #stroke prophylaxis in #AtrialFibrillation increased, with #DOAC accounting for over half of OAC uptake in 2018.’
Read 7 tweets

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