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Oct 29th 2020

1. The birthday of the emperor Maximian Herculeus was celebrated in the year 298, with extraordinary feasting and solemnity. Pompous sacrifices to the Roman gods
made a considerable part
#StMarcellus #Oct30 #Christian Image
2. of this solemnity.

Marcellus, a Christian centurion or captain of the legion of Trajan, then posted in Spain, not to defile himself with taking part in those impious abominations, cast away his military belt at the head of his company, declaring aloud that he was
3. a soldier of Jesus Christ, the eternal King. The soldiers informed Anastasius Fortunatus, prefect of the legion, by whose order Marcellus was committed to prison.

When the festival was over, this judge ordered Marcellus to be brought before him, and asked him what he meant
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