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Oct 29th 2019
This will be unpopular. Please read full thread before telling me off. #transit #octranspo #meeting #ottpoli 1/n
The Nov 6th #Transit Commission will be extraordinary meeting and should be treated as such. #ottpoli
This #transit meeting should NOT include public delegations. It should be committee of whole with all active councillors and the citizen commissioners. #ottpoli
Read 29 tweets
May 10th 2019
LRT update begins now. How close are we from riding the rails? We might find out. #ottpoli
First up, the derailment last week. GM John Manconi says "human error" on switch movement. Train was moving at the right speed, one set of wheels off track at a switch. The switches are manually controlled in the yard (on the main line they're auto).
"Minor repairs" required to the switch, Manconi says. The train is fine.
Read 26 tweets
Mar 5th 2019
LRT update starts with virtual tour of a train. Then a pretty pic of Parliament Station. #ottpoli
Manconi: RTG has "done some amazing work" in recent weeks. Significant progress, he says. But adds "winter ops" as a ninth area to watch.
He gets into the Alstom Citadis Spirit trains. He says they've been used around the world and adapted to the local environment. (Though this Spirit version was designed for Ottawa).
Read 57 tweets

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