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Feb 22nd 2020
Bear with me for an #olpldr thread

Yesterday, I saw something on the #olpldr stream that really solidified for me the problem with a lot of the negativity we’ve seen and heard of late
I don’t want to amplify the message by referencing it, but someone indirectly attacked one of the candidates for something that is beyond their control, their gender #olpldr #onpoli
Over the last month, I’ve seen similar attacks on candidates on the basis of the colour of their skin, or their age, again, these are aspects no individual can control about who they are #olpldr
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Feb 17th 2020
Since the #olpldr voting last weekend, I've been promising an update. I had an unusually positive experience, considering. But that only goes so far. I think the next move rests with @StevenDelDuca's team, and so far I'm not seeing it. But first the positives. #onpoli 1/18
No matter the ugly campaign tactics that intrude on every election, the actual voting process was mainly positive. "Team Neutral" (the #olp volunteers) did a good job. And many interactions reminded me that we are all, in the end, branches of the same family #olpldr #onpoli 2/18
I'm proud to say as a scrutineer the test I applied wasn't "can I stop someone voting for the other guy" but rather "is this person voting in good faith?" Everyone I saw applied the same test. I hear things weren't perfect everywhere, but what I saw was good. #olpldr #onpoli 3/18
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Feb 8th 2020
Okay, #olpldr people. It's late, the weather sucks, and it isn't likely to be better tomorrow. Here's what the campaigns won't often tell you in public. The great mass of Liberals signed up for a leadership campaign are less attached to this party than you are #onpoli 1/3
If you are following #olpldr, you care more than most. That isn't to say leadership sign-ups aren't "real" members. If they live where they say, chose to join on their own, paid their own fees (let's extend faith for a moment) they are Liberals too. But you care more. #onpoli 2/3
Tomorrow is your chance to make that matter. Show up. Make the time. Because believe me, many won't bother. Especially those who, quite frankly, joined the party just because someone told them to. Don't let the numbers deter you. Show up and vote. #olpldr #onpoli 3/3
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Feb 7th 2020
The #olpldr voting is finally upon us (starting tomorrow) and soon we'll know what our future looks like. Are we going to rebuild the Ontario Liberal Party with a new base of participants, or cement the hold insiders have maintained for decades? Depends who shows up. #onpoli 1/10
Largely unnoticed in this race are the many people who joined just because they felt a need to. No one signed their forms or paid their memberships - which has been happening in some places no matter what anyone claims. Many people just...join. #olpldr #onpoli 2/10
I'm hearing more and more from folks who desperately want to do something about the issues in our province, and want to do it in the Liberal Party, and they're just getting no response. They joined, paid their fee, and...nothing. Except fundraising emails. #olpldr #onpoli 3/10
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Feb 1st 2020
Quick reply of my own, in the #olpldr debate. I believe all candidates want to create opportunities for families to better themselves. But when you haven't done it personally - when it was your parents who toiled and sacrificed - it's easy to miss how hard it is. #onpoli 1/3
My support for @coteau is based in large part on his personal achievements. There is a difference between saying "my parents did X so I could be here" and knowing what he achieved in his own lifetime. Because when it wasn't you personally, it looks too easy. #onpoli #olpldr 2/3
I have considerable privilege myself. I come from working class, no money, no history of post-secondary. Still, I'm male, white, etc. We need to be honest with each other and ourselves. Privilege matters, even in this #olpldr contest. It's a lie to pretend otherwise. #onpoli 3/3
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Jan 28th 2020
This #olpldr contest has become sharp. That's unfortunate. But we can choose a political lifer backed by money and privilege, or a successful black man who worked his way up from a poor neighbourhood. Who do we want to contrast with Ford - @coteau or @StevenDelDuca? #onpoli 1/3
To give @KateMarieGraham @MitzieHunter @AlvinTedjo and @LiberalBrenda their due, any one of them is better model for leadership than @StevenDelDuca. Led by Del Duca, I'm not even sure what makes us different from Ford, other than everyone else in the party. #olpldr #onpoli 2/3
I'm told @StevenDelDuca is a nice enough guy. No reason to believe otherwise. But our leader needs to reflect our values and show what we stand for. Del Duca stands for insider politics and leadership by lifers. It's what voters rejected in 2018. #olpldr #onpoli 3/3
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Jan 24th 2020
I understand @StevenDelDuca is enthused about being a front-runner. But anyone who thinks his would-be delegate count seals it is forgetting history. Front-runners almost never win out in races like this. It's the magic of our delegated system. See links below. #olpldr #onpoli
In 2013, Sandra Pupatello went into the convention as the front-runner. Kathleen Wynne only caught up on the third ballot, after being endorsed by most of the rest of the field. #olpldr #onpoli…
In 1996 Dalton McGuinty went into the convention running in 4th place, behind front-runner Gerard Kennedy, Joseph Cordiano, and Dwight Duncan. He finally won on the 5th ballot, after becoming the consensus choice of the field. #olpldr #onpoli…
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Jan 22nd 2020
In recent Liberal debates, some candidates have been talking about building a new party from scratch. We sure need one. But we need to pause and consider both what it means to embrace this opportunity, and what it requires us to risk or let go in the bargain. #olpldr #onpoli 1/13
Any party, over time, becomes burdened with history. Bad policies we can't shake off, bad habits we've fallen into and ceased to question, and yes, bad actors who view this party as a means of personal advancement. We need to look squarely at these truths. #olpldr #onpoli 2/13
Building from scratch means surrendering the belief that last election was some kind of blip, and now everything can go back to normal. Voters rejected the Liberal party of 2018 so soundly they elected an unqualified fool instead. Let's not kid ourselves. #olpldr #onpoli 3/13
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Jan 17th 2020
A quick message to all the new Ontario Liberals (welcome!) who may be feeling a bit overwhelmed. I know you're getting bombarded right now. My wife joined the party to support Michael @coteau. I hear about it from her - after every call, email, text, etc. #olp #onpoli #olpldr 1/5
Partly, this is just the cost of participating in our democracy. And it is magnified by the leadership contest. It'll calm down a bit after, I promise, though never entirely go away. When we said we need you, we meant it - more than just signing a form. #olp #onpoli #olpldr 2/5
Elections are won not just by a show of hands, but through hard work and commitment. It isn't enough to only build our numbers. We need people who care enough to show up, to be a part of it all, and yes, even donate their time and money if they can. #olp #onpoli #olpldr 3/5
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Jan 17th 2020
Here is one final push to become a delegate to the #OLP convention. I'm supporting Michael @coteau, which is clear from the video below, but even if you support someone else we want you there. Because this party needs to renew, and NO leader can do it alone. #olpldr #onpoli 1/6
If you've been watching what's happening to this province, and like me you are horrified and saddened by the mismanagement of the Ford government, then you know we need a change. But that can't happen if everyone waits for someone else to fix it for them. #olpldr #onpoli 2/6
The Liberal Party is well-positioned to beat Ford in 2022. But unless we build on renewed values, with new people involved, we don't deserve to win and we won't govern well if we do. We need you. Not just your vote - we need your time and participation. #olpldr #onpoli 3/6
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Jan 13th 2020
By now, hopefully every Ontario Liberal knows about the leadership convention March 6-7 in Mississauga. But I know for many it's a stretch to actually attend as a delegate. I'd like to help with that. Because we need you there. Yes, I really mean you. #olpldr #onpoli 1/13
The first convention I attended was for the federal party, in January of 2012. The party had been almost wiped out in the 2011 election. People were saying the Liberal brand was dead and we were heading to a two-party, Conservative/NDP system. Sound familiar? #olpldr #onpoli 2/13
Despite that, people turned out in force - around 3,000 delegates. Over half had never been to a convention before. Over 1/3 were under 30 years-old. The energy there was amazing, and we laid the ground-work for the Liberal Party in government today. #olpldr #onpoli 3/13
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Jan 1st 2020
I'd like to talk about the power of social media, or perhaps the lack of it, in deciding the next leader of the Ontario Liberal Party. I'm working on Michael @coteau's campaign - he's a leader I believe in strongly. And this is something the team is split on. #olpldr #onpoli 1/10
The person we choose will lead us in the 2022 election and may well be our next Premier. Right now, the choice is in the hands of 36,000(ish) members of the party. At our convention in March, it will come down to voting by 3,000(ish) delegates. That's all. #olpldr #onpoli 2/10
To be blunt, if you aren't a party member already you don't get a vote. And many would say your opinion doesn't matter. Which is why the power of social media - and reaching out to non-members - is in question. Why appeal to people who can't vote? #olpldr #onpoli 3/10
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Dec 27th 2019
I was recently in a debate with someone supporting @StevenDelDuca who praised his "deep partisanship." This is not an official spokesperson for Del Duca. But it got me thinking. Partisanship is something many people like in politics. I don't. #olpldr #onpoli 1/5
When someone is deeply partisan, politics is a zero sum game. Our win is their loss, and vice-versa. This leads to incredible waste and stupidity. Half of what Ford is destroying right now is mainly to erase the Liberal legacy. And his supporters love it. #olpldr #onpoli 2/5
True "partisans" were French resistance fighters. When your country is occupied, everything that hurts the other side is good for you. Politics cannot be this cut-throat. In the end, we're serving the same people. One team hands off to another. #olpldr #onpoli 3/5
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Dec 24th 2019
I've been thinking a lot about leadership, in context of the #olpldr contest. I've been thinking about what it means to belong to a political party, and to find that party in the hands of a leader you do not support and cannot condone. It's not a small problem. #onpoli 1/11
We're all familiar with calling out other parties for supporting "leaders" who have lost all moral authority to lead. Trump is the most obvious example, but also Ford, Kenney, etc. It happens on the left too - look at South America. But what about ourselves? #olpldr #onpoli 2/11
If it's wrong for Republicans to continue to support Trump, if it's wrong for socialists to continue to support Maduro in Venezuela, it must be wrong under some circumstances to support our own leaders. We cannot imagine ourselves immune to that scenario. #olpldr #onpoli 3/11
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Dec 19th 2019
I've been trying to make people care about the Ontario Liberal leadership race - hashtag #OLPldr. It's an uphill battle. Even for those who often vote Liberal, the leadership process seems distant. Many are waiting for 2022 to care again, and it's hard to blame them. #onpoli 1/6
Discussions about the latest Ford outrage on #onpoli get massive attention. Discussion about #OLPldr far less so. And it worries me that we're so focused on the problem without much attention on the solution. We all want to replace Ford in 2022. But with what? With whom? 2/6
Candidates for #OLPldr can't only attack Ford - we need to hear their plans. But that isn't what the audience wants. When @coteau talks about his successful work with the autism community, it isn't too big. When he slams Ford for failures on the same issue, it's huge. #onpoli 3/6
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Dec 16th 2019
These are numbers from @QueensParkToday. PCs raised $4.5m in 2019, Liberals $1.5m, NDP $1.3m, Greens $450k. Looks like Liberals are doing well. But these numbers aren't the whole story. The Ontario Liberal Party is for sale, and we need to know who's buying. #olpldr #onpoli 1/12 Image
Averaging $384/per, PCs had around 11,700 individual donors. Averaging $200/per, Liberals had 7,500 donors. Averaging $45/per, NPD had 28,900 donors. Averaging $67/per, the Greens had 6,700 donors. By that metric, Liberals aren't doing nearly as well as it seems. 2/12
I often hear from people who support the Ontario Liberal Party but are sick of constant appeals for money. I get it, but I'm torn. Political parties need money and they'll get it from somewhere. If it isn't coming from ordinary members, where do you think it's coming from? 3/12
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Dec 13th 2019
Last week I wrote about why taxes are good. It was well-received. This week I’d like to write about how every government, and every political party, tends to waste or lose money. As often as not it’s actually our fault, as voters, that this keeps happening. #onpoli #olpldr 1/15
Even when we disagree on what government should or shouldn’t pay for, we all want government to be efficient with money. Politicians all promise to limit spending and reduce the deficit. We miss that being efficient, and spending as little as possible, are not the same. 2/15
Often, refusing to spend money today only costs much more money tomorrow. People know this. If you neglect your teeth, or your roof, or a highway, you’ll end up paying more when the bill comes due. Yet we applaud governments that do this, and imagine they are saving money. 3/15
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Dec 12th 2019
Okay Ontario Liberals (and concerned observers) the Windsor debate (3rd of 7) is about to start. Got my keyboard warmed up and ready to call out crap if I hear it, or give kudos where deserved. You can stream it live, at this link. #onpoli #olpldr
So far not hearing much from leadership candidates I haven't heard before. But then I'm a junkie and I've been following this a lot. Michael @coteau putting the screws to Ford's government about inaction on Highway 3 is new. Desperately important local issue. #olpldr
I agree with @LiberalBrenda that packaging practical education with more liberal arts based education is important. Though the fact remains - the education that leads to jobs isn't always the education that parents and students aspire to. #olpldr
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Dec 8th 2019
I want to talk about taxes and why I like paying them. Okay, no one really likes-likes taxes, but I believe in taxes. It's how we pay for things we need as a society. And I believe that people who have more money, and make more money, should pay more taxes. #olpldr #onpoli 1/12
Figuring out what we "need" as a society can be complex. We need roads and police - that stuff is easy. But do we need universal pharmacare, public housing, addictions programs? Opinions differ. Decent people say "well okay, but I don't want to pay for that." #olpldr #onpoli 2/12
I do want to pay for that. And more besides. Because I can pay for my own family's needs. I make good money. But I want my son to grow up in a society where other people's needs are met too. The only way we can do that is if we all contribute. With taxes. #olpldr #onpoli 3/12
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Dec 3rd 2019
Attn Ontario Liberals - new and old. The membership drive is over, now we know who the voters are. We're going to pick our next leader. Some want you to think we jump straight to that next step - go vote the way you're told to. I disagree. Read 7 more posts. #olpldr #onpoli 1/8
Next step is deciding what we want from our leader. Because there are, undeniably, different visions of the Liberal Party. Are we opportunistic centrists, trying to offer whatever voters want? Or are we progressives, advocating change but in a practical way? #olpldr #onpoli 2/8
This discussion needs to happen. It needs to be meaningful. We've seen a lot of endorsements and frankly, a lot of them bother me because they have no content. "I support X and you should too!" isn't an appeal to values. We need to do better than that. #olpldr #onpoli 3/8
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Nov 30th 2019
Okay Twitter, here's my final challenge to do something meaningful about Ford. I acknowledge it's something you may not want to do. Stop just complaining into the Internet and join the Ontario Liberal Party. Before you dismiss this read six more posts below. #onpoli #olpldr 1/7
People are eager to vote against Ford. But voting against something is easy, and kinda sad. Wouldn't you prefer to vote for something you believe in instead? You'll say "sure, but I don't like the choices." Well it's party members who decide on the choices. #onpoli #olpldr 2/7
If you never vote Liberal, that's fine. Join another party and help them pick good leaders. But if you sometimes or often vote Liberal, you can and should join. This doesn't commit you for life. It just means you'll choose who goes up against Ford in 2022. #onpoli #olpldr 3/7
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Nov 28th 2019
To all Ontario Liberals following the showcase tonight, and generally. Whoever you support, please remember to pick a candidate who says more than "it's broken and only I can fix it." And call out anyone who claims it's that simple. Because it isn't. #olp #onpoli #olpldr 1/4
It's a privilege and an obligation to help choose the leader of a political party. Every vote counts. General elections may boil down to vague slogans, but as members we must demand substance and content from anyone who wants to lead us. #olp #onpoli #olpldr 2/4
Don't let our would-be leaders get away with jumping straight to what's wrong with the Ford government. Telling us what we already know is easy. Tell us what you'll do instead, that's better and forward-thinking. Give us a vision to inspire people. #olp #onpoli #olpldr 3/4
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Nov 26th 2019
I've said that candidates to lead the Ontario Liberal Party need to offer substance and ideas, not just "Doug Ford is bad and I'm tough enough to win." Here's some actual research on their policy - not whether it's good or bad, just how much they've got. #olp #onpoli #olpldr 1/8
Michael @coteau offers a content filled page under "vision" with two major policy papers and two more promised. Total of 4,594 words. #olp #onpoli #olpldr 2/8
@StevenDelDuca offers eight blurbs off his main page leading with "Fight for." Total on all is 1,695 words. #olp #onpoli #olpldr 3/8
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Nov 25th 2019
When the Ontario Liberal Party chooses a new leader, we choose more than just our standard bearer - we choose the vision we offer this province as an alternative to Doug Ford. We want to win, no question, but we also want to win for the right reasons. #onpoli #olp #olpldr 1/10
We have serious problems - growing divisions in wealth and inequality in our society - and we need to speak to these issues. We cannot be afraid of taking risks and adopting bold policies. Voters want more than that from us. Our province needs more than that. 2/10
Talking about inequality, economic class, and entrenched privilege makes people uncomfortable. It makes people especially uncomfortable in politics when it gets so blatant. You shouldn't need to be born into a powerful family, or inherit wealth, to aspire to office. 3/10
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