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Mar 14th 2021
Glomerular crescents 🌙

❓What’s a crescent?

🔬Crescentic GN?

🧩 How are crescents formed?

🔬🗂 Types of crescents? ❗️Pseudo-crescents?
#renalpath #PathResidents #Pathbracket
❓A crescent is defined as two or more layers of cells that are partially or completely filling the Bowman’s space

📥composed of
-Mixture of cells(epithelial cells, monocytes and other leukocytes)
-fibrous matrix. (2/6)
🚨Non specific lesion, can be triggered by a variety of glomerular diseases
🔬Crescentic GN(CGN)?
▶️is a PATTERN of injury rather than a specific diagnosis
▶️Integration of clinical data, specific laboratory & immunologic tests can clarify the diagnosis underlying the CGN (3a/6)
Read 7 tweets
Mar 11th 2021
#Pathologists ♥️ eosinophils.

We love scanning for them in a skin rash, admiring them when they infiltrate a tumor, & even counting them in esophageal biopsy. 🔬

But what do you know about eosinophils in the blood? 🤔


#pathbracket #hemepath #pathtweetorial @EmoryPathology
If the answer is "not much 🤷🏼‍♀️", then you're in luck, because the subject of my 2nd #pathtweetorial is:


🩸 Approach to Peripheral Blood Eosinophilia 🩸

Here's a brief outline of what I'll be discussing:


Let's get started with a case!

30 y/o M, presents with 3 months of fatigue, weakness, weight loss & abdominal pain.

Peripheral blood 🩸 & bone marrow 🦴 show the following 👇

Read 15 tweets
Mar 5th 2021
Announcing a contest to win a free pathology textbook!

Thanks to a brilliant idea by @DrMissWV and a generous offer by @science_press and @LizMontgomeryMD we are giving away a few free textbooks in an educational tweet contest called #pathbracket . See thread 👇🏾
If you want to enter the contest, create a NEW educational pathology tweet between today and March 15 and tag it with #pathbracket

You must tag your own tweet. The tweet must have educational value. Tweetorials are allowed too. Contest is open to all.
On March 16, #PathTweetAward judges led by @DrGeeONE will donate their time to pick 32 of the best tweets to enter in a bracket similar to #MarchMadness . Credit with the idea of a bracket goes to @DrMissWV

Progression through the bracket will be on the basis of polls.
Read 6 tweets

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