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Jan 1st 2023
As all of us head right into the #NewYear2023 together, ladies and gentlemen, I will reflect us back on my first FIVE (5) years on Twitter in regards of my own limited-color #pixelart palettes that I created during that time, from #AAP64 (2017) to #DGA16 (2022). 😊💖

🧵 (01/12)
October 10, 2017. The day that when I signed onto Twitter myself for the very first time, I immediately launched my very first-ever palette weighing in at just 64 colors.

It was called #AAP64, and it was a HUGE runaway success on my first three (3) days on Twitter!!! 🤯

Immediately riding the tsunami of sheer success on Twitter indeed, I forwarded ahead with my first 16-color palette that I had made that same 2017 year called #AAP16, which was simply designed for beginners who want to get their feet wet in the world of pixel artistry...

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