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Sep 25th 2022
Thread: Hindutva & Nazism: A Revised Perspective

Purpose of this thread is to analyze the recent statement by the Prime Minister of Pakistan in which he claimed that the political wing of RSS known as BJP is following the ideology of Adolf Hitler/Nazism. Intro: 1/3 Image
Thread will revisit the historical context of the statement in both theory & practice of RSS. It is a basically an old-school research based on existing historical evidence which proves that current regime of India is following the ideology of fascism till date. Intro: 2/3 Image
All the well published evidences are furnished with references in the end of this thread. The later part will cover visual evidence including footages & interviews. So, I will only be sharing published work here nothing from my own. Intro: 3/3 Image
Read 189 tweets
Aug 14th 2019
Three relevant pages from #PehluKhanVerdict: Lacunas pointed out by trial judge in giving benefit of doubt to accused:
* Mobile phone that purportedly recorded the incident was never seized
* Secondary evidence of photos not proved
* Dying declaration wasn't properly recorded
* First #FIR named some different persons as attackers
* Identity of accused wasn't established
* How did #PehluKhan know the names when he was from Mewat & accused from Alwar

In #PehluKhanVerdict, trial court notes eye-witnesses, including son of #PehluKhan, changed their versions:

* They gave a different statement to police
* Named no accused initially
* Later changed their versions
* Remembered names after 2.5 yrs but couldn't identify accused
Read 5 tweets

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