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Dec 21st 2020
Feels a bit surreal that just 2 years ago nearly to the day I watched as the First Step Act was finally signed into law. Now, a 1/4 century ban that denies the God-given dignity & potential of incarcerated students will soon be lifted! 🙌🏽… #RestorePell
In a country that seems hopelessly divided, I’m esp encouraged bu the diverse coalition @JusticeReform has fought alongside to advance this issue… @ndaajustice @FAMMFoundation @ChanZuckerberg @Vivian_Nixon_WW @BPIBard @FreedomWorks @USChamber @Lilianac_esq
Read 8 tweets
Dec 20th 2020
The news today from Washington signals the biggest victory in the field of #CollegeInPrison in decades. It’s a long time coming. This undoes the #94crimebill’s ban on #Pell Grants for incarcerated students. #PellRestoration #PELLYES
A thread.
Prior to the #94CrimeBill, college was common, even normal, in state and federal prisons across the country. The #Pell ban eviscerated college nearly overnight.
Since then, a small but growing number of privately funded programs helped keep the field alive. @BPIBard has been proud to be one of them, but we want to shout out our friends & fellow travelers at @MtTamCollege @HudsonLink & women in Bedford Hills who got so much of this going.
Read 25 tweets

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