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Oct 28th 2022
🎉 The final regulation for the Prison Education Program was published in the Federal Register today. Here’s a thread on major changes and improvements. 1/14 #PellYes #negreg #highered…
đź‘Ź First, hats off to the staff at ED/FSA who carefully reviewed public comments and thoughtfully responded to recommendations. The regulation is indeed improved following this process! 2/14
🚨Big win🎉: ED moved the post-release outcomes metrics as part of the best interest determination from being required to optional. This is another concession in the “must/may” debate that also made recidivism and completion rates optional. 3/14 However, we acknowledge the wideranging comments and suggest
Read 14 tweets
Dec 20th 2020
The news today from Washington signals the biggest victory in the field of #CollegeInPrison in decades. It’s a long time coming. This undoes the #94crimebill’s ban on #Pell Grants for incarcerated students. #PellRestoration #PELLYES
A thread.
Prior to the #94CrimeBill, college was common, even normal, in state and federal prisons across the country. The #Pell ban eviscerated college nearly overnight.
Since then, a small but growing number of privately funded programs helped keep the field alive. @BPIBard has been proud to be one of them, but we want to shout out our friends & fellow travelers at @MtTamCollege @HudsonLink & women in Bedford Hills who got so much of this going.
Read 25 tweets
Jul 14th 2019

Okay, I have been skeptical about @PeteButtigieg (more than skeptical), but if he is actually committed to the #cjreform in his #DouglassPlan, he is making some SERIOUS commitments
1. I have long argued that the Federal government should be incentivizing states to reverse mass incarceration, that is plank one in the @PeteButtigieg plan (needs some tinkering along the lines of the "Reverse Mass Incarceration Act:" but this is a start
2. Eliminating incarceration for drug possessing is a good idea...he should not implicitly make the distinction between dealers and users, but he says reduce sentences for other drug offenses and make it all retroactive (very important) @PeteButtigieg
Read 19 tweets

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