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Jun 14th 2021
We have seen the Liberal Govt level of care & support:
#DawnRaid on #Biloela family
#PriyaHandcuffed & kept from her little children in long flights
#Children's hysterical & distraught separation
#Prolonged detention in #Melbourne & #ChristmasIsland
2. Morrison's lack of care cont:
#Priya's deteriorating health
#Mistreatment of #Tharni in Melbourne when whiteboard fell on her in chn playroom.
#Vitamin deficiency causing #Tharni to have a number of teeth removed
#Denial of birthday cake for Tharni
#Ten day wait for medical /3
3. #MedicalTreatment finally resulted in flight to #PerthChildrensHospital to fight two related infections ignored on CI & treated & with panadol
#Liberal & National MP's breaking ranks with #Morrison #Dutton & #KarenAndrews.
Excuse us in believing your understanding of /4
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