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May 22nd 2023
4 ways to beat Procrastination and start working on your #startup idea 💡

Procrastination has become an unavoidable element of modern living.

But, if you try to understand the science behind procrastination, you can save yourself.
#Procrastination #DoItBetter #Mondaymorning

Procrastination is the urge to delay doing something that should be done.

There's a saying - "Take action today for a better tomorrow."

But many aspiring entrepreneurs just don't start. Why?

#Motivation #Action #PositiveVibesOnly
Let’s start with understanding the four major reasons behind procrastinating in taking action on a business idea, followed by what should be done:
Read 9 tweets
Feb 10th 2020
Dear All,

What you Believe is What you Become.
There is nothing more profound than this life changing key.
If you want to change your life today just navigate through what you Believe and start making Changes.

If you are still sticking to how last week went, then you are not doing well😀, last week is gone this week comes with another opportunity to correct those mistakes.
"Don't let your mistakes dictate your future."

Remember you are not a product of one event, life is a process you are a product of aggregate events.
*Once there is life, there is hope to start again

Be an Overcomer.
Be Different.
Be cautious of your utterances.

Read 3 tweets

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