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Oct 3rd 2020
Post partum bodies! Please read full thread

Can we normalise REAL post partum bodies please. I'm sick of being asked how I am going to loose my baby weight? How am I going to get back into shape? What creams I am using to get rid of stretch marks?

Piss off.
I was told it would not be possible to carry a child due to the damage my eating disorder had done to my reproductive system. We are overwhelmed with what we have managed to produce.

The last thing my body needs is to be manipulated, punished and starved.
My body has done an incredible job over 9 months, it needs to be cared for, nourished & loved.

I have seen so many # insta perfect post partum bodies. I am also being targeted by adverts to join weight loss programmes enticing me to hate what my body has becone.
Read 9 tweets
Sep 25th 2020
❤️ I am giving it my all. Diet culture has reared its ugly head, I am being targeted by alll the 'post baby body' dieting ads.😮❤️My body has been through so much over the last nine months. It has changed a lot, in order to create the most beautiful gift I could ever wish for.1/3 Image
The last thing I am going to do is put it under more stress by trying to manipulate it. ❌

👍Instead I am going to allow my body to heal, nourish my body with food and thank it for the amazing job it has done. ❤️

Our bodies really are bloody amazing 💕💕 2/3
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