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May 8th 2020
📢🔔Some good news amidst the pandemic:

Our article, "Protesting Parties: a comparative analysis", co-authored with Swen Hutter @swenhutter, is now published open-access in Party Politics:…

These are some of the key contributions we make (thread 🧵1/8)
Bridging the literature on party competition and protest politics, we examine the extent to which parties mobilize in the #protest arena, the types of protest events they sponsor, and the profile of the typical #ProtestingParty [2/8]
The analysis is based on protest events (@PoldemData) in 30 European countries between 2000 and 2015.
We show that party involvement depends on the dynamics in the protest arena and on context differences, such as the age of #democracy and the strength of #CivilSociety [3/8]
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