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Jan 13th 2022
Guess we really have to start off with Kenneth Harrellson who is not having his bond hearing due to the fact that he has covid and is in isolation at the DC jail.

To make matters worse, he is named in the Stewart Rhodes conspiracy indictment and faces. Counts 1,2, 3, 4, 5, & 11
Sentencing comes first.

Kentucky bad boys Dalton Ray Crase and Troy Dylan Williams three years of probation. Williams gets 15 days of "intermittent confinement.

Crase has expressed "deep remorse for his conduct" and "done a lot of soul-searching.”…
Read 22 tweets
Nov 4th 2021
#SeditionHunters - one of the first Capitol perps hashtagged in January was finally arrested today - #ProudBoyCowboy, not just a fighter but an organizer. Charging docs (link to follow) suggest FBI is working out how to charge perps who assisted the attack in more subtle ways. 1/
#ProudBoyCowboy is Joshua Portlock of TN, identified in April by a co-worker - but #SeditionHunters helped detail his many activities. Portlock fought on the Plaza - bodycam shows him helping #BullhornLady pull barricades, & pushing police with plywood. 2/…
Besides new views from bodycam, charging docs show insight in describing Portlock's activities at the tunnel. As one of first to enter, he was at the front of police lines, where his cowboy hat got knocked off, revealing his Proud Boy beanie. But he's not the most violent.. 3/
Read 9 tweets
Nov 3rd 2021
NEW: Joshua Portlock — aka #proudboycowboy — has been arrested in Tennessee. Image
"PORTLOCK picked up a large piece of what appears to be plywood and pushed it against a group of law enforcement officers.”… Image
Government also proactively mentions two instances in which Portlock "assisted two officers who were separated from other officers and beaten by rioters.” One of the officers was Mike Fanone. Image
Read 4 tweets

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