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Jan 5th 2021
@CDCgov 1) My Mom had #BeenSmokingCigarettes for 30 #Years when she had gotten #pneumonia 2x's during the Winter of 1989-1990. Her doctor told her if she didn't #QuitSMOKING , she would #VeryLikely get #pneumonia again. Then, he Highly recommended that she #GiveNicotinePatchesATry . She
@CDCgov 2) decided to try them; for #ThreeEntireMonths , as the amount of #Nicotine in the patches is reduced each month; even though they caused her to get a small amount of hives! 😃 By that time, she was down to #Smoking 1 or 2 #Cigarettes a day; instead of her usual #PackADay Habit!
@CDCgov 3) And, back then, packs had 30 #Cigarettes in them! BUT, she had to keep a #PenInHerMouth every day; & leave the #SmokingLunchroom at work, too. And, for some odd reason, she used #CinnamonCandies to help herself, too. So, she was #TryingVeryHard to quit; using psychological
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