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Jun 4th 2023
The 24th Maharaja of Mysore, #Rajarishi #NalwadiKrishnarajaWodeyar shouldn't be confined to just 1 region Mysore, his life and times should be celebrated across Bharath and there's a reason for it.

Can Industrial Revolution, Economic Progress & Sanatana Dharma be linked?

Yes! ImageImage
it can be and our Maharaja proved it.

That's the reason, we Kannadigas of Mysore region worship the Arasu's even after 75 years of getting independence.

Brief 🧵 on our benevolent Nalvadi Maharaja on his 139th Jayanti.

04:06:1884 - 03:08:1940

Before proceeding further,
we should
remember that, they were under Madras Government & even after being a vassal state, they achieved what British could dream of....

Let us divide Maharaja's contribution into People Welfare, Health Care, Industries and Education.

A For The People
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