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May 21st 2020
As a concerned American citizen and a concerned Hindu, I find it massively upsetting to witness the deep appeasement, vote banks, control by radical extremist antinational groups IN THE NAME OF EQUALITY AND HUMANITY. #Hindus: GET UNCOMFORTABLE. #WakeUp
Especially, note the role of Democrat Party's alignment with communists and Islamists. No amount of logic and facts are influencing decisions - but only MONEY talks??? If you are a Hindu anywhere in this world, THIS MUST RATTLE YOU. THIS MUST WORRY YOU. THIS MUST INFLAME YOU...
This particular question becomes even more crucial to answer. WHY DON'T HINDUS STAND UP AGAINST ANTI-HINDU ANTI-INDIA AGENDA?

@SenSanders @RoKhanna @Ilhan @RashidaTlaib @RepJayapal to @CityofSeattle @cityofsaintpaul ARE BOUGHT OFF & SPEWING IDENTICAL LANGUAGE. #RejectExtremists
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