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Most recents (3)

Jun 5th 2023
Иногда, когда у меня есть свободное время, я рисую всратые Paint-style (нарисованные мышкой в Photoshop) комиксы\мемы. Парочка из них даже разошлась на мемы.

Так как я давно не рисовал, то решил сделать тред со всеми своими шизоидными рисунками перед релизом нового. ImageImage
Read 21 tweets
Mar 21st 2021
Playstation Japan's PLAY! PLAY! PLAY! live tweets and translations for the FF7R Intergrade segment will be in this thread!

Producer Kitase will be doing a talk about the PS5 upgrades as well as Yuffie's DLC! Let's gooooo~

Tune in here:

I will use the hashtag #FF7RPPP for my tweets so feel free to follow or mute the hashtag.
They're just doing introductions right now.

Read 49 tweets
Feb 6th 2021
Mrs.Dimitrescu - sama... 🙏🏼When I see a plus-size woman like you, I want to throw myself on the floor and be trampled by you. You all agree with me, don't you? #ResidentEvilVillage #バイオヴィレッジ…
ドミトレスク様が尊すぎて呼吸ができません😇I want to be her chair.🙏🏼😇
Can you guys give me your otaku knowledge? I am currently looking for this anime / game character. 🤔
Hints ;
- Plus size character.
- She is a weaponsmith.
- She handles a big sword.
- She has a child.
- Very strong.

I was in love with her, but I couldn't remember her name.
Read 4 tweets

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