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Sep 24th 2022
I haven't gotten any sleep and been up all night, yet I cannot get over these pictures. They're the most heartbreaking yet beautiful images of male friendship, intimacy, vulnerability, and bonding that I've seen in sports. What has made #Fedal so special? 🧵
Roger told Rafa ten days before he told the rest of the world about the retirement. And he said it'd be special if they play alongside. Rafa, on the other hand, having just exited a Grand Slam, and dealing with injuries, made it to the tournament just to be with him.
It wasn't a fairytale ending. They had a match point, but lost the match. And then the tears flowed. Roger was inconsolable. But so was Rafa, sobbing uncontrollably. At one point, they held hands. At another, Roger's wife had to go console Rafa because he wouldn't stop bawling.
Read 7 tweets
Sep 23rd 2022
We are in place for 🇨🇭 Roger Federer's farewell and it fittingly comes alongside 🇪🇸 Rafael Nadal, albeit they will be on the same side of the net.

Hashtags to show love: #Federer #RogerFederer #ThankYouRoger #RForever

Laver Cup Live:…
🇨🇭 Roger Federer an hour ago: "I’ve done this thousands of times, but this one feels different. Thank you to everybody who’s coming tonight."

#Federer #ThankYouRoger

Laver Cup Live:…
The last time 🇨🇭 Federer and 🇪🇸 Nadal teamed up in this competition, this happened...

#Federer #ThankYouRoger

Laver Cup Live:…
Read 29 tweets
Sep 15th 2022

"Tennis has treated me generously more than I ever would have dreamt and I must recognise when I have to end my competitive career," he said.
#rogerfederer #RogerFederer

“Laver Cup next month will be my final ATP tour event. I will not play any more Grand Slams or in the tour.”

And with those words, one of the greatest tennis players of our times announced his retirement.

#rogerfederer #RogerFederer

Federer, who dominated men’s tennis after winning his first Grand Slam title at Wimbledon in 2003, has been troubled by injuries in recent years.

Read 4 tweets
Jul 12th 2022
Believe it or not! Arguably the greatest tennis player, #RogerFederer is now unranked. The Swiss legend has dropped out of the ATP Rankings for the first time in 25 years. As per his latest statement, the 40-year-old still aims to return to the ATP Tour.…
Federer, regarded as the GOAT, has the third-most Grand Slam titles (20) after #RafaelNadal𓃵 (22) and #NovakDjokovic (21). The former has faltered in recent times due to multiple injuries.
He underwent two arthroscopic surgeries in 2020 before returning to the ATP Tour (2021 Wimbledon). However, Federer pulled out of the grass-court Slam as he required a third operation.
Read 9 tweets
Jul 22nd 2019
@swayinthewoods @navneet_mundhra @FuschiaScribe My review of the 1956 classic MOBY DICK starring #Hollywood star #GregoryPeck on my Instagram page.…
@swayinthewoods @navneet_mundhra @FuschiaScribe Review of #Article15 on my Instagram page. A Bollywood thriller that attempts to bring to light the various facets of exercising Article 15 of the Indian Constitution.…
@swayinthewoods @navneet_mundhra @FuschiaScribe My review of ABOUT SCHMIDT starring Hollywood legend Jack Nicholson in the lead.

A moving tribute to the inevitable space of retirement and old age.…
Read 68 tweets

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