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May 26th 2022
A wonderful new graffito insult found at Vindolanda! A few thoughts on the interpretation of the graffito.🧵

#ClassicsTwitter #Vindolanda #RomanGraffiti #AncientGraffiti #Epigraphy #RomanInsults
According to this report the graffito reads SECVNDINVS CACOR. The assumption is that the scribe meant to write CACATOR but made a mistake. So the graffito would mean 'Secundinus, the shitter'.…
I find it hard to believe that the writer would have made such a simple mistake while inscribing the stone. What if CACOR is in fact correct? I think it is the phallus talking in 1st person saying 'I'm getting excreted'. There are parallels for this expression.
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