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Sep 27th 2018

“Every Senate source I’ve spoken with today is at DEFCON 1 and it’s beautiful.”

Trump’s presser = epic meltdown = utter sh*tshow #25thA

Two add’l anonymous allegations but can’t be corroborated b/c of anonymity. #4 & #5 #GOPdirtytrix?


Senior Sen Dem aide says there's a concern the GOP is "now releasing anonymous allegations in an effort to make all allegations look frivolous.

We’re focusing on the allegations that have names attached."

SJC asked Kavanaugh about 2 new claims of sexual assault

📌Did Kav violate GJ secrecy laws when he worked for IC Kenneth Starr by leaking info to reporters?

Latest assault allegation (4th) against Kav is from 1998, he was 33.

The 5th accusation against Kav is anonymous and involves a 1985 incident on a boat.
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