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«Кожного разу, коли ви будете казати про вєлікій рускій балєт, я буду розказувати вам історію неодноразово зґвалтованої на очах у батьків, а потім викраденої російськими нелюдами молодої вчительки з Броварів. Про десятки, а може й сотні зґвалтованих українських жінок.
Часто на очах у дітей. Про 15-16 річних дівчаток з Бородянки, які зазнали страшного насилля кадирівцями. Про тіла п’ятьох зґвалтованих молодих дівчат, вбитих і залишених прямо на дорозі. Про оце мерзенне «будем тра*ать хохлушек» в перехватах.
Ось що я вам скажу у відповідь про ганімий вєлікій руський балєт.
Кожного разу, коли ви будете мені казати про вєлікіх руських композіторов, я буду вам розказувати історію дівчинки, на очах якої і її маленького брата в маріупольському підвалі не один день помирала їхня мама.
Read 17 tweets
#Russia_War: The evidence of Bucha is enough to invoke that Russian forces committed war crime by targeting civilians. Genocide apparently does not apply as the crimes were not committed by military forces originating from the territory where the killing takes place. Russian⤵️
forces are an aggressor who killed Ukrainian civilians. The Genocide Convention specifies two main elements: 1) A mental element: the "intent to destroy, in whole or in part, a national, ethnical, racial or religious group, as such"; 2) A physical element, with five acts:⤵️
a) Killing members of the group (ethnic, religious etc.); b) Causing serious bodily or mental harm to members of the group; c) Deliberately inflicting on the group conditions of life calculated to bring about its physical destruction in whole or in part; d) Imposing measures⤵️
Read 4 tweets
An appeal to people all over the world from Ukrainian artists! The National Union of Artists of Ukraine asks you to join the collection of financial aid to Ukrainian artists at this difficult time for Ukraine, our Motherland. Unfortunately, Ukrainian artists are struggling for
life and freedom now, during the war, and nobody knows when this fight stops but we know that Ukraine will win for sure. Please, support artists and the culture of Ukraine! We kindly ask you not to remain indifferent and keep in mind that we are one artistic family and we need to
help each other. The help must be proved not only during communication, art exhibitions but also in difficult moments. We ask you for possible financial assistance. Glory to Ukraine! Head of the National Union of Artists of Ukraine Konstantin Chernyavsky.
Read 6 tweets
Допоможіть! Help! An appeal to people all over the world from Ukrainian artists! The National Union of Artists of Ukraine asks you to join the collection of financial aid to Ukrainian artists at this difficult time for Ukraine, our Motherland. Unfortunately, Ukrainian
artists are struggling for life and freedom now, during the war, and nobody knows when this fight stops but we know that Ukraine will win for sure. Please, support artists and the culture of Ukraine! We kindly ask you not to remain indifferent and keep in mind that we are one
artistic family and we need to help each other. The help must be proved not only during communication, art exhibitions but also in difficult moments. We ask you for possible financial assistance. Glory to Ukraine!
Read 7 tweets
#Russia_War: The Ukrainian authorities are organizing the evacuation from Odesa by train (towards Ismail) to Romania under ship control (the port city of Tulcea). This means that the Russian forces are advancing in the direction of Odessa or planning to mount airstrikes ⤵️
(which will cause destruction of the city that Russia would like to avoid because of the significance of Odesa to the "русский мир"). In any case, if Odessa falls under Russian occupation then they reach the Transnistria region (Moldova). This in no way means that ⤵️
Russia wants to invade Moldova (as some analysts insist). The most that can happen is that the Russian forces in Ukraine receive some support from Transnistria or even enter the separatist region if necessary. Yesterday, in a conversation with a Swiss journalist, I explained ⤵️
Read 8 tweets
#Russia_War: The scale of destruction of the Russian invasion of Ukraine indicates that Moscow is deliberately incurring massive costs for the future reconstruction of Ukraine. In addition, it makes it inhospitable by causing the depopulation of the destroyed areas. ⤵️
The effects may be far from just demographic changes if the refugee flows reach the estimated 5 million people or even higher. This will put anti-corruption reform and other structural reforms in the background. Consequently, democratic institutions can also take a hit. ⤵️
Putin knows that very well. As Zakharova confessed, Russia is not interested in changing the ruling forces in Ukraine (any longer). If this can be trusted, then Russia's approach is to occupy the south, where possible, and destroy the urban areas of northeastern Ukraine. ⤵️
Read 5 tweets
#Russia_War: Today, Russian troops will most likely land in Odessa Oblast (Zatoka and Chernomorsk). This information is reported by the Ukrainian side. To do this, Su-24M bombers are used to support the landing from the air. The distance from Zatoka to Odessa is 50-60 km.⤵️
Odessa is the last major port city in southern Ukraine that the Russian aggressor was guarding since 2014. As I wrote before the Russian invasion of Ukraine started (8 days ago), the occupation of the south is a high military priority for Putin. This will allow Donbas to be⤵️
connected by land with Crimea and Odessa with the breakaway region of Moldova. It may also mean the full loss of access to the Black Sea for Ukraine in the short and medium term (during the occupation). The Ukrainian resistance plays a central role.⤵️
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#Russia_War: Let's take a closer look at the 35 countries that abstained from voting in favor of the UN resolution on the Russian invasion of Ukraine. I would like to highlight the following (alphabetically): 1) Armenia: Prime Minister Pashinyan relies heavily on Russian⤵️
peacekeepers to preserve remaining parts of Nahogorno-Karabakh and ensure strategic balance in talks with Azerbaijan; 2) Central African Republic: Russian mercenaries have been instrumental in the fight against insurgents (to say the least); 3) China -⤵️
Beijing cannot vote on resolutions against Russia with which it is building a strategic partnership against the West, which will be essential for future attempts to take Taiwan by force; 4) Kazakhstan - President Tokayev did not support the aggression against Ukraine,⤵️
Read 5 tweets
#Russia_War: This is truly Orwellian. The Ministry of Defense of an invading/aggressor country has warned that the Russian army will launch an attack on the buildings where the State Security and the Center for Information and Psychological Operations of Ukraine (TsIPSO) are ⤵️
located. Therefore, Russia wants to annihilate the institutions from where the Ukrainian forces would carry out an information war against Russia. On any account, Ukraine is fighting against an aggressor. This is indicative of Russia's intentions to break the Ukrainian ⤵️
authorities' control over information inside Ukraine. With this attack, Russia intends to undermine the integrity of Ukraine's information space and replace it with its disinformation. It is clear that Russia wants to conquer the brains of the Ukrainians for as long as it ⤵️
Read 4 tweets
#Russia_War: The Russian aggression is now focused on encircling Mariupol (they want to finish on March 1). If this city port falls, then the Russian army can cut off the Ukrainian government from the Azov sea and create a land corridor from Donbas to the Crimean peninsula. As ⤵️
I previously remarked the Russian invasion has at least two goals: 1) to make Kyiv capitulate (and accept neutrality), and 2) while the attention of the Ukrainian forces is channelled on defending Kyiv and Kharkiv to occupy the southern regions. ⤵️
The second goal envisions to take control over the remaining territories in Donetsk, then extend to Zaporozhya and Kherson to reach Crimea. Earlier, I posted that some parts of Odessa are also under airstrikes. ⤵️
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