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Mar 26th 2021
Feeling stressed and overwhelmed and in physical pain today so I’m just gonna lay down for a while and tell you about the time I was tasked with coming up with a #SailorMoon AU pitch that made the characters closer to their Greek & Roman mythology counterparts.

Gather ‘round.
The character I started with was actually Sailor Jupiter counterpart Zeus.

Now OG Jupiter is fantastic and changing her to be more like mythology’s biggest asshole womanizer was a real challenge. But hey, I hit the ground running.

AU Jupiter was the middle child of three. She
had a younger sister (Neptune. We’ll her back to her) and an older brother (Pluto. More on that later).

Her civvie name was Zoey and when she was young, she found a hidden base underground. The base had called to her and though it had laid dormant for centuries, it came to
Read 34 tweets
Mar 15th 2021
One year ago today (on Naoko Takeuchi's birthday), I launched the Sailor Moon Fan Club podcast!🌙 Thank you all SO MUCH for listening & connecting with us all year! It’s been an amazing journey & I appreciate you all SO much! 🥺💖
Happy #MoonieMonday! In the Sailor Moon Fan Club's special one-year anniversary episode, WWE Superstar & current SmackDown Women’s Champion @SashaBanksWWE talks about her goal to become “the female Eddie Guerrero,” her role in #TheMandalorian & why Sailor Moon is her hero!
For Naoko Takeuchi's birthday & #NationalMangaDay, we’re teaming up with @KodanshaManga to giveaway THE ENTIRE SAILOR MOON ETERNAL EDITION COLLECTION! To enter:

✨ Follow @KodanshaManga & @mooniesclub
✨ RT w/ your favorite Sailor Moon moment
✨ Use #MooniesClub
Read 8 tweets
Aug 20th 2020
Ça fait plusieurs mois que je prépare quelque chose, et je me suis dit que j'allais tenter de rassembler tout ça ici. Du coup, c'est parti, je me lance : on va parler de Miraculous Ladybug.
#MiraculousLadybug #Miraculous #ZAGHeroez Image
Avant toute chose, pour ceux qui ne connaissent pas la série créée et réalisée par @Thomas_Astruc et produite par @JeremyZag, petit aperçu :
Cette série est truffée de détails, clins d'œil, easter eggs, et autres références cachées, et je me suis amusée à relever énormément de choses dans les 3 premières saisons.
Read 745 tweets
Apr 20th 2020
Hey folks! Here's my new set of 100 famous characters, 8x8 pixels, using a 16 colors palette!
#pixelart #dotpic #ドット絵 #pico8 #8bit Image
#01 - Luke Skywalker
#02 - Yoda
#03 - Princess Leia
#04 - Han Solo
#05 - Chewbacca
#06 - R2-D2
#07 - C-3PO
#08 - Darth Vader
#StarWars #pixelart
#09 - Dexter
#10 - Dee Dee
#DextersLaboratory #pixelart
Read 28 tweets

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