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Feb 16th 2021
#Mahabharata #BasantPanchami2021

Recently, I completed a Course on “ #BalaramaTeerthayatra on the #Saraswatee #River

We all know that Balarama went on a Teerthayatra on the River Saraswatee in anger after Srikrishna refused to help Duryodhana beyond the Yadava Sena

In our fascination for the Kurukshetra War, we forget the sheer amount of detail, beauty that this Teerthayatra contains. At once it is narrative of

- The Geography
- The Philosophy
- The Civilization
- The History

The Yatra is described as a series of stops at various Teertha-s on the banks of the River Saraswatee - around 30 of them.

At each place, Sage Vaishapayana describes the essence of that Teertha through the stories. And these are fascinating stories but not just that.

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