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Satanic Rituals are systematic protocols using specific stimuli to affect the participant(s) neurologically/physiologically.

The subject in of itself provides its own cover, being taboo and seemingly unrealistic/nonsensical, but there is a method to the madness! 👇 For more 👇
One such response is the development of Stockholm syndrome, where the victim becomes emotionally attached to their abuser. This can be compounded by the presence of structured and programmed dissociation, which further reinforces the psychological control over the individual. 👇
By combining these elements, the practitioners of satanic rituals aim to create a sense of control over the mind and body of their victims.

The term 'Satanic Ritual Abuse' is a general term of which the occult elements are incorporated into practices of many varying groups 👇
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Good Afternoon @LucienGreaves, would care to comment on @CzebotarJessie’s Affidavit’s where she states ‘you’ were her Illuminati Protector/training partner and both of you were present at Satanic Ritualistic Rape & Cannibalism Ceremonies. @JesseBWatters @TuckerCarlson
In the @CzebotarJessie Affidavit’s & other recored Video Interviews Jessie claims that @LucienGreaves partook (as a child) in Satanic Ritual Abuse & Murder? Would this not go against everything your platforms claim is Just #SatanicPanic? @satanic_temple_ & @GreyFactionTST
Affidavit’s & Testimonies of @CzebotarJessie’s state that @LucienGreaves was part of a #SatanicChildSacrifice/#SatanicRitualAbuse System.

Are you part of an elaborate cover-up or is Jessie Czebotar just lying?

@JesseBWatters @TuckerCarlson @satanic_temple_ @GreyFactionTST
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1 | Intro | History is a story of causality with no gaps. Everything happens for a reason. Sometimes those reasons aren't generally unknown. Either they're purposefully hidden, distorted, or sometimes simply forgotten.
2 | Intro | So, writing this thread as a communist... what if I told you, relatively speaking, the Bavarian Illuminati were the good guys? Would you dismiss it? Might you prefer to cling to modern pop myth & revisionist history? Or would you ask, "How much do I really know?"
3 | Intro | This thread is meant to shed light on what's been distorted and/or forgotten as it is extremely important we as leftists & communists know who the enemy is and why. Equally important is knowing who is not the enemy.
Read 536 tweets
Wie kann man so krass abstürzen? Ken Jepsen ca. 2011Ken Jepsen ca. 2022
Ich glaub' den muss ich mir archivieren...…
Read 297 tweets
Evangelicalism taught us to boycott anytime we weren't in lock-step with the values of an org/company, and now wonders why a bunch of us are walking away from them? /🧵
Reminder: walking away from Evangelicalism does not equal walking away from God. Or even church.
If Proctor & Gamble couldn't have my dollars because their logo consisted of a moon and stars (#SatanicPanic!) the Evangelical church can't have my support because of all the Nationalism, Racism, and rampant betrayal of what I was taught to hold dear.
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There can be little doubt that we are enduring a resurgence of anti-Satanist hysteria identical to the Satanic Panic of the 80s and 90s.

How did we get here? Let's take a look. #SatanicPanic

The Satanic Panic was a period beginning in the 1980s during which a widespread fear took hold that a massive cult (or network of cults) with members in every neighborhood across America was abducting and abusing thousands of children in Satanic rituals.

The alleged abuse typically involved ritual animal sacrifice, blood drinking, sexual abuse, cannibalism, bestiality, and murder. But no such cults, nor evidence of their supposed crimes, were ever found.

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