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Jun 13th 2023

"Il più grande inganno che il diavolo abbia mai fatto, è stato quello di convincere il mondo che non esiste"

|Charles Baudelaire|

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Myrotvorec' o #Myrotvorets (Il Pacificatore), è un sito web ucraino gestito dal "Centro Myrotvorec'" e creato dall'attivista Heorhij Tuka, in cui l'ex consigliere del capo del ministero dell'Interno, Anton Gerashchenko, fungeva da addetto stampa.

"Il progetto online Myrotvorets è diventato una risorsa elettronica dei mass media", ha affermato il 3 agosto 2014 il deputato della fazione del Fronte popolare, consigliere del ministro dell'Interno Anton #Gerashchenko.

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May 28th 2023
Throughout history, those in power have recognized the immense influence of mass communication. Joseph #Goebbels, in 1933, hailed radio as the "eighth great power" and leveraged it as a tool for propaganda.
The German government subsidized the production of affordable radios, ensuring widespread access to broadcasts that disseminated provocative speeches and carefully crafted "news."
Reflecting on the past, we find a parallel in the evolution of communication mediums. In the black and white era of cinema, radios were symbols of affluence, mostly seen in the homes of the privileged.
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May 19th 2023
🕯️ Berlin, werde bitte still.

19. Mai 1943, #otd vor 80 Jahren: Joseph #Goebbels, nationalsozialistischer Reichsminister für Volksaufklärung und Propaganda seit dem Jahr 1933, erklärt ganz Berlin zur "judenfreien" Stadt, wie es in der rassistischen Sprache des NS-Regimes heißt. Das Foto zeigt den Ausschni...
Zu diesem Zeitpunkt leben im gesamten Deutschen Reich nur noch etwa 20.000 Jüdinnen und Juden, darunter Ehepartnerinnen und Ehepartner aus so genannten "Mischehen" und untergetauchte "U-Boote", wie sich viele der in den Untergrund geflohenen Jüdinnen und Juden selbst bezeichnen.
Das Foto im ersten Tweet des Threads zeigt eine Gedenktafel in der Duisburger Straße in Berlin-Wilmersdorf, welche die innerstädtische Geschichte der so genannten "judenreinen Gebiete" dokumentiert - zumal die Straße selbst über mehrere Jahre zum Tatort des Naziterrors wurde.
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May 11th 2023
Just watched the #CNNTownhall with 2024 Presidential candidate and former President @realDonaldTrump , as well as the post-townhall panel discussion.

One thing is clear: #America is a broken country. It's split right down the middle.

Racial divisions and #massshootings are peaking, the economy is cratering, #poverty and #homelessness are rising.

And meanwhile, the US government is involved in, or threatening to get involved in, wars from #Ukraine to #Taiwan to #Syria to #Iran to #NorthKorea.

When they should be working on healing the divisions in their own nation. White vs non-White, Rural vs Urban, Rich vs Poor, drug addiction, broken homes - all these are tearing America apart.

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Mar 24th 2023
@EU_Commission @IntlCrimCourt Children of #Donbass - THE #WAR IS ON! CHILDREN vs THE #NAZIS | 5 months ago…
#SaveOurChildren deNAZIfication - Special Military QperationZ WORLDWIDE
@EU_Commission @IntlCrimCourt cc: @ DaniMayakovski
#Ukraine. Images from the #Azov Battalion children's camp, where children from the age of 8 are #brainwashed into #Nazism and prepared militarily by indoctrinating them into a #hatred of #killing Russians. (2015)
@EU_Commission @IntlCrimCourt Ukrainian children drugged and indoctrinated by the #Nazis into shouting the #Hitler salute of "#SiegHeil" while being laughed at. (2016)
This video was captured from the flash drive of a press reporter from the #AzovBattalion at the #Mariupol base.
Read 45 tweets
Mar 20th 2023
ஒருவர் ஒரு இடத்தில் பொய் கூறுகிறார் என்றால் மெலிதாக கூறிவிட்டு கடந்துவிடுவார். திரும்பவும் அதைப்பற்றி அந்த இடத்தில் பேச்சு வராதவாறு அவர் பார்த்துக்கொள்வார். ஆனால் கோயபல்ஸ் அப்படியில்லை, Image
தாம் சொல்வது வடிகட்டிய பொய் தான் என்றாலும் அதை நயமாக எடுத்துரைத்து திரும்ப திரும்ப அதைப்பற்றி பேசி அதைக்கேட்டவர்கள் அனைவரையும் ''அட உண்மைதாம்பா'' என நினைக்க வைத்துவிடுவார்.
மக்களிடம் எந்த மாதிரி பேசினால் அவர்களுக்குள் தனது பொய்யை உண்மை என விதைக்க முடியும் என்ற வித்தையை கற்று வைத்திருந்தார் கோயபல்ஸ்
கோயபல்ஸ் 3 வகை பிரச்சார தந்திரங்களை கையாண்டார். முனுமுனுப்பு பிரச்சாரம், ஹேஷ்யங்கள் பிரச்சாரம்,
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Jan 20th 2023
#Globalist Jews Created And Run Communist #China
- Israel #Epstein was one of the few foreign-born Chinese citizens of non-Chinese origin to become a member of the Communist Party.
- Sidney #Shapiro, an American Jew, was a high ranking member of CCP’s govt
#China is #Rothschild's Model for #NWO | Dec 9, '19
"Once you understand the massive Soviet Rothschild penetration and occupation of the US body politic by the sons and daughters of alleged Jews from Poland, Ukraine, Lithuania & Russia, ALL becomes clear."
Read 20 tweets
Oct 27th 2022
The devil with it's 85 well paid assistants is here, destroying the #HappiestCountry as fast they can, to pave the way for the archipelago of #NATO #nuclearmissiles, planned since decades.
The weakened nations cannot resist when the shit hits their fans.
- #Patent Shows That #DARPA Built #Covid With The Help Of #EuropeanCommission & #BillGates & #WHO
#Covid19 Was Planned To Usher In The #NewWorldOrder
#Leyen: #VaccinationDays
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Oct 22nd 2022
@almostadiary @ardenthistorian @tzimmer_history Ich sehe das ganz anders. Die klassenlose Aufforderung von Hannah #Arendt, als Mensch gefälligst vor- und nachzudenken, ist ja ein per se ergehendes Diktum, also Intersektionalismus pur. Sie sagt eben nicht, nur die Gebildeten können oder müssen nachdenken, sondern knüpft das auf
@almostadiary @ardenthistorian @tzimmer_history diese Art im allerbesten Sinne "existenzialistisch" gewonnene Realisieren an keinerlei Voraussetzung. Außer womöglich an das, was bei Genosse #Brecht zu "Erst kommt das Fressen, dann die Moral" veredelt wurde. Ich sehe #Arendt überall in dem gespiegelt, was Menschen im Übergang
@almostadiary @ardenthistorian @tzimmer_history von Moderne zu Postmoderne, #Nationalismus und #Kolonialismus, zu #Globalisierung - und leider trotzdem nicht überwundenem Kolonialismus - als neues Erkennen des Menschen in einer ureigendsten Autarkie einforderten. Von dem "15 Minutes of Fame" eines #Warhol bis zu #Beuys' "Jeder
Read 9 tweets
Oct 7th 2022
#Turkey distorting a 100 year old treaty to once again make empty threats of war against #Greece is in the finest tradition of #Putin (and before him #Goebbels). A quick primer and debunking of #Erdogan's inane claims about the #Lausanne treaty 1/13
Context: at the end of the #Greco-Turkish War of 1919-1922, the Greek army, abandoned by its Western Allies and with the #Soviet #Russians openly aiding Turkey, left #Anatolia and retreated to the Greek islands of the Northern Aegean 2/13
The treaty of #Lausanne of 1923 settled matters between the belligerents. The Greek state gave up territories and populations that had been Greek for thousands of years in Asia Minor, #EasternThrace, and #Constantinople, in return for lasting peace and reconstruction 3/13
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Sep 24th 2022
"Black", so lautete ihr Tarnname.

Kurfürstendamm 177 in Charlottenburg. Ich will euch von Else #Blochwitz (* 1899, † 1992) berichten, die hier unter dem Naziterror sehr vielen Jüdinnen und Juden sowie weiteren Verfolgten half - und die heute weithin unbekannt ist.

Else #Blochwitz, geboren und aufgewachsen in Dresden, zieht in den 20er Jahren nach Berlin und ist schon als junge Frau eine strikte Gegnerin des immer weiter erstarkenden Nationalsozialismus. Sie besucht viele Veranstaltungen der NSDAP, auf denen sie sich immer zu Wort meldet.
Sie spricht sich dabei in aller Ruhe (und wieder und wieder) gegen das nationalsozialistische Weltbild aus und argumentiert vor dem versammelten Publikum der Partei gegen die dort propagierte Hetze an. Die Nazis reagieren mit blankem Hass - und sind zugleich tief beeindruckt.
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Jul 28th 2022
Wie kann man so krass abstürzen? Ken Jepsen ca. 2011Ken Jepsen ca. 2022
Ich glaub' den muss ich mir archivieren...…
Read 297 tweets
Jun 30th 2022
Gli 11 PRINCIPI DELLA PROPAGANDA nazista di Joseph #Goebbels

‼Verifica se trovi delle corrispondenze con tweet e slogan semplicistici, ad alto impatto emotivo e basso senso critico, presenza costante sui social, ad opera di politici, giornalisti e marketers contemporanei‼
Adotta un'unica idea, un unico simbolo. Individua l'avversario e identificalo come tuo unico nemico, unico responsabile di tutti i mali

Es: "il nemico è Putin e la Russia", "democrazia contro dittatura",
"buoni🇺🇦 e cattivi🇷🇺"
Riunisci gli avversari in una singola categoria. Gli avversari devono costituire una categoria che non prende in considerazione le differenze e le distinzioni tra i vari tipi di "avversari"

Es: i russi sono nemici, russofobia, NO alla Russia
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May 2nd 2022
Mentre la caciara opinionista allaga everyday le rispettive bolle su laqualunque, le masse in Italia sono date in mano ad un sistema mediatico schierato con l'aggressore Russo macchiatosi di crimini di guerra e forse di genocidio.

Mentre la ferocia si abbatte sui bambini ucraini e truppe cecene e mongole dell'esercito russo si fronteggiano per il bottino facendo tra loro morti e feriti, in Italia sentiamo il Ribbentrop di Putin, #Lavrov, far ragionamenti allucinanti di chiara matrice antisemita.

Alla TV
La scorreria della #Russia in #Ucraina degna di Attila o Gengis Khan, con esecuzioni sommarie, stupri sistematici, saccheggi e razzie spiegata dai gerarchi del regime dalle nostre TV come necessaria, inevitabile e sensata.

La resurrezione di #Goebbels
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Jul 2nd 2021
@michaeljohns @RCCDistrict -#Roosevelt: "#OperationPaperclip will allow you,#AdolfHitler,to #work for us".

-#Hitler: "I accept & I promise to #retire"(and looks at the other two).

-#Churchill: "I agree".

-#JosefStalin: "I have to accept because #America has almost completed the #atomicBomb".

@michaeljohns @RCCDistrict Since #Roosevelt died,da #agreement now expanded:

-#AdolfHitler: "I want to #share my #money with all of you".

-#Truman: "Hanging u wouldn't #change what's already been #done".

-#Churchill: "We need u to stop #Communist #imperialism".

-#Stalin: "#Fake #suicide!"

@michaeljohns From #YouTube's "The HitlersThat Stalin Caught"(which actually included a #HitlerDouble Hitler murdered together w The #Goebbels Family):

Two of #Hitler's nephews were captured,in #Russia,by #Stalin,who killed one & didn't #exchange the other one...(cont bellow)

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Feb 26th 2021
Large Thread but a MUST READ for every "patriotic" Indian...

#VeerSavarkar a name that epitomises -

Indomitable spirit to overcome anything, literally anything

Sheer love for motherland

& what not...

Here, we explain did वीर सावरकर really plead the British to forgive him

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Remember the terrible days of #Andaman Cellular jail where political prisoners were so inhumanely tortured that some even succumbed to death.

Upon that, #VeerSavarkar was dealt more horribly than others... This entire episode may be taken on an another day...

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Well, let's see what were the underlying circumstances when the world was on the brink of world war 1 (WW1) which actually made #VeerSavarkar to think to write a letter to the British in Sept. 1914...

As Britain was an integral part of WW1, वीर सावरकर thought this is + Image
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Dec 13th 2020
#RüdigerHoffmann wieder am #Bundestag mit seinem "runden Tisch". Der ex #NPD-Kader, ehemals #RüdigerKlasen ist seit vielen Jahren in der #Reichsbuerger Szene. Das Motto der heutigen #Versammlung: "Es reicht! Raus aus der #Diktatur" ^^ #b1312
#RüdigerHoffmann verbreitet auf seiner #rechtsextremen #Kundgebung vor dem #Bundestag wieder #Verschoerungsideologien um den "Great Reset" und äußert sich #antisemitisch. Typischer Sündenbock-Narrativ, hier am Beispiel #Rothschild. ^^
#b1312 #fckzs #Reichsbuerger
In der Manier der #Sportpalastrede von #Goebbels spricht der #Rechtsextremist #RüdigerHoffmann vor dem #Bundestag zu seinen #Anhängern. Der #Antisemit will die Überwindung des Zinses - typisch #antisemitischer Narrativ Er erklärt den "rechten" Weg.^^
#FCKNZS #Reichbuerger #b1312
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Apr 30th 2020
#30APRILE 1945

Intorno alle 15:30, con i sovietici a meno di 400 metri dal suo bunker nel centro di Berlino, Adolf Hitler si suicida con un colpo di pistola alla testa.

La sua guerra per lo "spazio vitale" (Lebensraum) ha causato tra 70 e 85 milioni di morti. Image
#30APRILE 1945

Con la morte di Hitler, il grandammiraglio Karl Dönitz diventa presidente del Reich, o di quel che ne rimane. Tratta la resa finale dell'#8maggio e governa fino al suo arresto da parte dei britannici, il 23. Verrà processato a Norimberga e rilasciato nel 1956. Image
#1MAGGIO 1945

Il Ministro della Propaganda del 3° Reich Joseph #Goebbels e sua moglie Magda fanno mettere il pigiama ai 6 figli (tutti tra i 4 e i 12 anni), li mettono a letto, li stordiscono con la morfina e poi li avvelenano spezzandogli nelle bocche delle capsule di cianuro. Image
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Dec 22nd 2019
Draw the parallels.
Hint: 60 years of Congress!! Image
#Hitler was an impotent, highly insecure man. His railings against the intellectuals were a reflection of his own helpless impotence masquerading as Nietzsche's Superman. A victim, an outsider, from the "lower class"....he rallied people around him using such narratives. Image
Hitler, like someone else we know, was pretty fond of saying stuff like "execute me" if i let you down etc etc.

Fact is, he was a coward who NEVER took responsibility for a single thing he did in his life! ImageImage
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