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Jun 15th 2022
A Krantikari International Scholar in Exile.
It so happened that Tolstoy in his essay “A Message to Young India’ quoted Bhagavad Gita and wrote “If the English have enslaved the Hindoos, it is just because Hindoos recognized coercion as the main and
fundamental principle of their social order.” He saw only one answer to this problem, namely Love: “The law of human life is the law of Love cherished by all humanity from the most remote antiquity.”
Taraknath’s elaborate reply was given in four parts, under the title
“Young India’s Reply to Count Tolstoi”.
Taraknath cited statistics from western and Indian sources to prove the point that tyranny under any guise can never be justified. “Non-violence is an absolute Dogma …violence and benevolence are measured by relative value of the actions
Read 19 tweets
Dec 22nd 2021
#TarakanathDas – Story of another unrecognized freedom fighter.
Taraknath was born on 15/06/1884 at Bengal.
When he was 16, he wrote an essay about Patriotism in a competition and the judge "Barrister P.Mitter" was highly impressed with the quality..
He ensured Taraknath join ImageImage
#AnushilanSamithi for which he was one of the founder.
Similar to celebrating Shivaji Festival at Maharashtra, Taraknath started to celebrate festival of #RajaSitaramRay, a Hindu King who dared the British for years.
In the year 1906, during festival celebrations, #BhaghaJatin
#Taraknath #ShirishchandraSen #Satyendrasen met and came to an understanding which was kept as a secret for decades.
What they discussed in 1906 was finally relieved by Taraknth himself in 1952 when he came back to Bharat & attended a rally in honour of Bhagha Jatin.
Along with
Read 13 tweets
Jun 15th 2021
#TarakanathDas -
A Krantikari International Scholar in Exile.
Taraknath was born on this day in 1884 at Bengal.
When he was 16, he wrote an essay about Patriotism in a competition and the judge
#Barrister_P_Mitter was highly impressed with the quality..
He ensured ImageImage
Taraknath join #AnushilanSamithi for which he was one of the founder.
Similar to celebrating Shivaji Festival at Maharashtra, Taraknath started to celebrate festival of #RajaSitaramRay, a Hindu King who dared the Michaels for years.
In the year 1906, during festival celebrations
#BhaghaJatin #Taraknath
#ShirishchandraSen #Satyendrasen met and came to an understanding which was kept as a secret.
What they discussed in 1906 was finally revealed by Taraknth himself in 1952 when he came back to Bharat & attended a rally in honour of Bhagha Jatin. ImageImage
Read 13 tweets

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