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Dec 23rd 2020
#SwatTeam did not have a legit warrant. They did not have a house where any crime had taken place. They did not have a criminal, just a peaceful citizen at home. #FourthAmendmentViolation #CastleDoctrine! They entered illegally, handcuffed her naked...…
She is a social worker, guilty of no crime, not engaged in any crimes, not befriended by any criminals, just at home minding her own business when the #SwatTeam bursts in and handcuffs her naked. #AnjanetteYoung…
Mayor Lori Lightfoot made a series of stunning admissions regarding #AnjanetteYoung, who was handcuffed naked during a wrong raid of her home by Chicago Police. 'shoddy police work leading officers to bust down the wrong door' There is no 'right' door to bust down! #4thAmendment!
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