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Mar 9th 2022
On Sunday in #Selma, I spoke on behalf of Elliott Smith, the great-nephew of Amelia Boynton, to remind the nation that Selma was not a day but a declaration: Our deadline is victory! #Selma57 #PoorPeoplesCampaign
Selma was not just about voting rights either. Rev. Dr. King linked the fight for voting rights and the fight for economic justice. We can’t talk about one without talking about the other.
When 140 million Americans were either poor or one emergency away from poverty before COVID, when we have less voting rights today than in 1965, & we’ve seen nearly 1 million deaths from COVID, many needlessly, we shouldn’t need anything else to tell us we need a movement!
Read 5 tweets
Mar 6th 2022
.@VP: “It took 3 tries for the marchers to cross the bridge. It took their sweat, their tears, their blood. It took their resilience, their determination, and their courage…In a moment of great uncertainty, those marchers pressed forward – and they crossed. We must do the same.” A screenshot of Vice President Kamala Harris delivering rema
.@VP Harris: “We know that honoring the legacy of those who marched then demands that we continue to push Congress to pass federal voting rights legislation. And it also demands we continue to push the Senate to not allow an arcane rule to deny us this sacred right.” #Selma57
.@VP Harris: “Those who marched across this bridge – yes, they marched for the freedom to vote. They also marched for all the rights and freedoms that voting unlocks. They marched for economic justice, for social justice, for racial justice. And we must do the same.” #Selma57
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