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May 30th 2021
#VTuber #ENVtuber #hkVtuber #VTuberUprising *Qilin's Manic ADD Ramble about tech upon seeing this meme.*
My sorry ass last December was experiencing the the pc dustdown of my life when extracting the #ZOTAC 1070 Mini from the 2011 HP Pavilion tower. For gpu thermal paste session.
Before installation in my first self built rig. I'm lucky the gpu is still essentially "prestine" cause my lack of intense gaming and no use of programs that would push it. Due to the fact it was in a pre-built with a weak cpu.… done
Using this classic as my main graphics driver for the conceivable future. Memories of it being part of the last major teenage savings spent for "gamer" stuff. Razer Kraken Pro V2, Ornata Chroma, and Logitech G602 since there were no Razer mmo mouse in Best Buy stock that 2016🎄.
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