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Sep 28th 2021
Today is #SafeAbortionDay. This is the first year that I have been able to say: I have had two abortions. I am glad I had my abortions. They gave me the freedom to live the life I have chosen. #Sept28 #AbortionIsNormal #AbortionIsHealthcare
I was not raped. I was not sick. The pregnancies did not threaten my life. I did not already have children. I just did not want to be pregnant.
#SafeAbortionDay #AbortionIsNormal…
Criminalizing abortion does not eradicate it nor does it make it rare. It makes it dangerous and often deadly for the poorest and most vulnerable people who can get pregnant.
#SafeAbortionDay #AbortionIsNormal
Read 10 tweets
Sep 24th 2020
On #Sept28, the Center and our global partners are celebrating #InternationalSafeAbortionDay. Here's how to participate...
MONDAY: The Philippine Safe Abortion Advocacy Network (@pinsan) is hosting “Open House: Telling Truer Stories,” a live reading and artistic rendering of real abortion stories. Register here:…
TUESDAY: Women’s Rights Foundation in #Malta is hosting a webinar about barriers to safe and legal abortion in Europe. Register here:…
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