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Jan 30th 2020
My post about Titanic and '000' > 1/19/2020 > 1/24/2020 -- Billie Eilish posts 'slipped on an iceberg' (Titanic + Iceberg = Rest is history) and comparing her post to the very same QDROP that gave '000' in the image also gives '000' -- also 69,420 5 dys, 13, 322 when cmpring file
Sailor Moon > 1228 (already mentioned before + mentioned as 'Kylie's anniversary' -- Contextual 'Coincidence' - so it is timed > gives another 'coincidence' -- Is it coincidence?…
'277' - Especially with how heavy '277' was repeated in my posts. Doesn't HAVE TO mean anything on its own, of course, but when I say 'in my files,phone, etc' -- when I say it's not just "Kylie Jenner" and "Jordyn Woods" -- "I SEE IT EVERYWHERE"… READ.
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