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Feb 1st 2023
I demand an explanation.


@elonmusk Image
@realDonaldTrump @QLightening @elonmusk Q: An example of stoic, calculated discernment, cares about abused children and those who are otherwise politically unrepresented.

NeverQ: You are crazy you are dumb you are a joke you are wasting your time
@realDonaldTrump @QLightening @elonmusk #NeverQ : "I will never do research on the corruption of the individuals and institutions that Q has mentioned. If I do any research, it will be to discredit Q and anons. But, I've found it's much easier to just make fun of them."

Read 59 tweets
Jan 8th 2021
📢Ann Vandersteel dice que los sombreros blancos tienen pruebas irrefutables del hackeo de las elecciones...
...Scorecard/Hammer tienen que ser desclasificados primero

🤔Dice que a Pelosi le desapareció el portátil del despacho ayer❗️
Igual x eso anda 🤯…
✔Veremos si no me tiran sólo por este vídeo, ya van varias cuentas que bloquean por compartirlo...
📢Lista de dimisiones tras el ataque al Capitolio de DC
🤔🐸 Image
Read 25 tweets
Oct 14th 2020
El New York Post nos cuenta otro escándalo de Biden y su hijo Hunter🤷‍♂️
Extorsión, amenazas con retener fondos públicos, enriquecimiento personal, tráfico de influencias...
#BurismaBiden… buttons&utm_campaign=site buttons&__twitter_impression=true
Los rumores llevan mucho tiempo, pero ahora hay fotos, e-mails e incluso un vídeo.
📢Biden usó su poder como VP de Obama para presionar a la empresa Burisma y enchufar a su hijo
🤯50.000$ AL MES como ejecutivo de la compañía de gas Ucraniana sin tener ni idea🤔 (como en España)
Se obtuvo de un portátil que se dejó para reparar y nunca reclamaron.

📺vídeo de Hunter fumando crack mientras practica sexo
✔Numerosas fotos de contenido sexual
📺Vídeo donde reconoce sus problemas con las adicciones

#Burisma #CreepyJoe Image
Read 41 tweets
Jul 3rd 2020
We just passed the 100k barrier of subscribers on our YouTube Channel, a fast growing Spanish speaking audience that is watching from all over the world what the USA is going through and seeing that everything they experienced in their countries is being applied now to America. Image
This put us in a big responsibility to keep on presenting the facts and trying to show our brothers and sisters around the world that the American people is the last stand against the Invisible Enemy that is dying, one that tried to slave the whole planet and...
that its fighting till it's last breath. We want to thank here all our Twitter friends and we take this responsibility with a big honor, showing the Spanish speaking world that the fight is real and that there is hope not just for America but for the whole planet
Read 5 tweets
May 14th 2020
1. Thread: The Structure of Identity Part 3

The experience of Power vs Force

What if the case of General Flynn represents a defining spiritual milestone?
2. This thread puts meat on the concepts laid out in Part
If you haven't read Part 2 please do so as it lays the foundations for what comes next.
3. The case of General Flynn highlights a possible spiritual shift from the Relative World of beliefs to the Declarative World of consciousness.

Let’s explore.
Read 17 tweets
Apr 1st 2020
Said the empath to the people everywhere, "Do you see what I see?"

Event 201 happened just before this virus spread and, while it did focus on what would be done 'hypothetically' in the event of a Coronavirus pandemic...
2...they only focused on how to dominate the media and official narrative to get past the "concept of sovereignty" in the minds of the world's population by using influencers &famous actors rather than government officials to push the idea of world-wide mandatory vaccinations...
3...They NEVER discussed hospitals or medical equipment or masks at Bill Gates' Event 201. Again, this event was a discussion of world medical leaders on what they will do 'if' a Coronavirs pandemic spreads and they never talked about medical supplies. Only about media/propaganda
Read 12 tweets
Feb 6th 2020
Please 🙏🏻 let this be real!! Could be wishful thinking but this is a YUGE coincidence!! Most of this is from @IPOT1776 If you haven’t listened to him yet here is his video from today. Sir Patrick is flipping awesome! @realDonaldTrump tweeted then deleted this👇🏼last night
Time Stamp 10:28....So we go to Q post 1028 5:5 Marker? All Clear? Signed by Q+???
Sir Patrick points to this book👇🏼WHAT REALLY HAPPEN by Howie car How Donald J Trump saved America from Hillary Clinton. INTERDASTING right? Now...Isn’t there another book with a similar title???? 🤔
Read 7 tweets
Jan 30th 2020
So as I’ve been watching the news and digging there is a very big picture being painted. ITs Habbening!!! #PatriotsAwakened #TheGreatAwakeningWorldwide
While we have been watching impeachment hearings, other things have been occurring and it all ties together. This is going to be a thread to help you see how it ties together. #PatriotsAwakened #TheGreatAwakeningWorldwide
On January 15th, @realDonaldTrump and China signed the first stage of an Epic trade deal #PatriotsAwakened #TheGreatAwakeningWorldwide…
Read 22 tweets
Jan 30th 2020
My post about Titanic and '000' > 1/19/2020 > 1/24/2020 -- Billie Eilish posts 'slipped on an iceberg' (Titanic + Iceberg = Rest is history) and comparing her post to the very same QDROP that gave '000' in the image also gives '000' -- also 69,420 5 dys, 13, 322 when cmpring file
Sailor Moon > 1228 (already mentioned before + mentioned as 'Kylie's anniversary' -- Contextual 'Coincidence' - so it is timed > gives another 'coincidence' -- Is it coincidence?…
'277' - Especially with how heavy '277' was repeated in my posts. Doesn't HAVE TO mean anything on its own, of course, but when I say 'in my files,phone, etc' -- when I say it's not just "Kylie Jenner" and "Jordyn Woods" -- "I SEE IT EVERYWHERE"… READ.
Read 10 tweets
Sep 22nd 2019
Pic of me 1975; pic of Greta Thunberg 2019.
Luciferian/satanic/MKultra Programming Evidence spanning 44 years, worldwide.
No, I am NOT signalling the no.44; it is simply the math at present. Consider SRA programming for me began at age 2yrs. (Illum. Family Lines age 2-3yrs)...
I'd like to point out both the subtle and overt body language. Long hair parted in the middle is demanded of teen girls if "Lilith" goddess is to be honored. Check.
Head tilt slightly downward, tight, half smile. Check. Obedience to Master.
Locked arm position. "In the presence..
of my Master". THEY demand RESPECT and OBEDIENCE. You do or you die.
This body language is taught through trauma-based operant conditioning.
Luciferian Language is based on body language, signs, symbols, colors, numbers, Gematria, etc...
Their children MUST learn this language.
Read 11 tweets
Jan 23rd 2019
Bruce Bueno de Mesquita and Alastair Smith wrote The Dictator's Handbook: Why Bad Behavior is Good Politics. Yeah a leftist or two can write a book that makes sense.
Wherein, they identify three political arenas:

The nominal selectorate - all who can vote

The real selectorate - the people who vote for the winner

The winning coalition - People important to the winner surviving in office
The nominals are interchangeable, the reals influential, and the winning coalition is essential.

For Hypocrats, there is a HUGE disconnect between the interchangeable/influential and the essential (donors, cabal, DS). The MSM keeps the nonessentials under control.
Read 12 tweets

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