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Jun 23rd 2022

#Tags - my thoughts - a thread

This one is heavily wrapped in experience and opinion. I will share my biggest learns. How you use them is on you.

Firstly - personal tags are so important and we do not utilise them enough. Here are some reasons;

They are Twitter links...

essentially. One click links to your content on Twitter. Click on one at the end, and then explore the twitter page that loads.
They should be attached to your brand to add recognition to you.
If you can get them trending, then they offer the potential for new eyes.

you find something brand generic, you can add things to your tags as your brand expands. This allows you to drive people to different areas of your brand

Some things to consider;
They can be hard work to create buy in.
Your brand needs to be firm before you start...
Read 14 tweets

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