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Oct 18th 2022
People are waiting hours for ambulances/A&E appts⬆️⬆️
Although 999 calls up, those conveyed to A&E similar to previous yrs, as are A&E attendances
GP appts are up 120% cc 2019
So where is the problem?
Beds? Occupancy? Discharge? Covid?
What is the fix?
#NHSCrisis 1/🧵
Out-patient attendances just returned to 2019 levels
But 7m awaiting treatments
Treatments and investigations below 2019
Hospitals working more slowly
What’s the problem? 2/🧵
GPs continue to consult at records levels
Fewer GPs doing more
Referrals for investigations/2WW remain
Overall referrals to hospitals slightly lower presumably due to backlogs and use of ‘Advice and Guidance’
So GPs aren’t the problem 3/🧵
Read 6 tweets
Aug 13th 2022
These windows aren't shutting themselves, onto archived services.

2 services I reported on in July have already closed and

Now @AffinityTrust Specialist Support Division North has shut down

The original report into the Specialist Support Division North had no enforcement action recorded on its publication date, 22 June

Now the report is re-issued with enforcement action taken and the service is archived.

2/ Front page CQC report: Affi...
Which does suggest @CareQualityComm are taking action, behind the scenes, once reports are published.

I guess larger providers are choosing to close services, rather than improve them.

There are more services that have been recently archived coming up.

3/ Page from CQC report: Enfor...
Read 82 tweets
Jun 16th 2022
Covid surge hits care homes and hospitals as 221 outbreaks recorded in Britain

I like the fact that @DailyMirror is starting to publish #StrandedPatients numbers, which is concrete evidence of how Social Care is failing.

12,000 people are #StrandedPatients EVERY DAY.

Social Care needs a MASSIVE funding boost, given the ENORMOUS budget deficit caused by 12yrs of deliberate underfunding.

We also need Private Care bosses to #PayCarersProperly to end the shortfall. If people can earn MORE doing
jobs like shelf stacking, with little responsibility other than ensuring the shelves are stacked & 'faced out'...then they're NOT going to want to take a role where they earn LESS to take on the life & death responsibility of Care work, are they?! ESPECIALLY when the Gov't keeps
Read 13 tweets

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