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Jan 25th 2022
Just in: Padma Awards, one of the highest civilian Awards of the country, have been announced. CDS #BipinRawat given #PadmaVibhushan posthumously, @vijaita reports.
#KalyanSingh posthumous receives the Padma Vibhushan, while Congress’ #GhulamNabiAzad, CPI-M’s #BuddhadebBhattacharjee get Padma Bhushan, @vijaita reports.
#BharatBiotech’s Krishna Ella and Suchitra Ella, #CyrusPoonawalla of Serum Institute of India get Padma Bhushan, @vijaita reports.
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Nov 23rd 2021
Lovers of Hindi indie music swear by the name Lucky Ali even now. In fact, only last year, the 63-year-old had gone viral for his impromptu performance in Goa. However, even the 'O Sanam' crooner has had his fair share of letdowns. Here are more details.… Image
The singer shared on Facebook that he had worked with T-Series for his fourth album, 'Kabhi Aisa Lagta Hai' (2004). While Aslam, Ali & another lyricist wrote the words, the company credited another artist as the lyricist & according to Ali, "he was being promoted by the company." Image
Ali objected to the idea, and his album was taken off the shelves. "Aslam should have gotten his due credit," held the 'Ek Pal Ka Jeena' singer. Originally, the post said that Sameer was the artist pushed by the label. But Ali later edited his update, erasing the name. #Tseries Image
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Jun 24th 2020
Some 'woke' friends are trying to crush the movement Sushant's death has sparked. Claiming to want dignity for him, they want others to suffer indignity in silence. This is a thread of personalities who, triggered by Sushant's death, have bravely spoken up. Don't pull them down.
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